Former ICE Director: ‘People Will Die; People Will Be Raped; People Will Be Victimized by Criminals That Shouldn’t Even Be Here’ – IOTW Report

Former ICE Director: ‘People Will Die; People Will Be Raped; People Will Be Victimized by Criminals That Shouldn’t Even Be Here’

( – President Joe Biden’s immigration ban on deporting criminal illegal immigrants will essentially turn the entire country into “a sanctuary jurisdiction” and will lead to people being killed, raped, and victimized by criminals that shouldn’t even be here, former ICE Director Tom Homan said Wednesday.

“President Biden declared the entire country a sanctuary jurisdiction, which means more tragedy’s going to come. Mark my words. People will die. People will be raped. People will be victimized by criminals that shouldn’t even be here,” Homan told Fox News’s “Fox and Friends.”  more

18 Comments on Former ICE Director: ‘People Will Die; People Will Be Raped; People Will Be Victimized by Criminals That Shouldn’t Even Be Here’

  1. ‘People Will Die; People Will Be Raped; People Will Be Victimized by Criminals That Shouldn’t Even Be Here’

    …you could say that about The White House and its occupants now, and it would be just as true…

  2. “People will die. People will be raped. People will be victimized by criminals that shouldn’t even be here”

    Cannot be said any simpler! This administration will go down in history as the culmination of pure evil!

  3. Ike said that 67 years ago. Start of “Operation Wetback”. IMHO maybe the best thing he did. But some of my high school teachers said it – not quoting GWB!- was xenophobic, white nationalist. Being proud American, still am, I said “horse shit!” and went to detention, more than once!
    In spite of my hours in “D” graduated in top decile.

  4. Homan is a good man. Tough, down to earth, and knows the risks of illegal immigration. He gave the dems and RINOs hell at a hearing a couple of years ago re their immigration policies.

    The truth is just so difficult for the dems and RINOs to accept. There must be something else that affects their views, because they don’t care about the danger to us lower-caste folks. They don’t care about the integrity of our borders at all.

    Could that other thing be large sums of money that end up in their pockets? Money from Soros or other Globalists?

  5. And if a loved one is attacked and killed by one of Biden’s border bandits operating under seperate, protective federal rules than citizens; where is there to go to seek justice?

  6. You grab every illegal coming in and put them on buses and take them to Washington DC and dump them. This is how you did stupidity. When that overflows take the rest to Beverly Hills since they seem to love illegals as well. You dump the criminals on them.

  7. On the lam from the law in Mexico? Jumped bail in Guatemala? Harassed by The Man in Managua? Run out of victims in Vera Cruz?

    What will you do? What will you do?

    Well, my friends Uncle Sam and Tator Joe have come up with the perfect solution for all your woes.

    Announcing the Built Back Better Border Express! All you have to do is take one small step across the line and we’ll take care of you and your entire family from there.

    We’ll move you to an apartment or home in a choice location rent free!

    We’ll provide everything you need to live – food, medical care, child care, education and job training and transportation. No strings attached! You don’t even have to learn English.

    We’ll even keep you safe from law enforcement should you be arrested. You’ll be free without bond in a matter of hours. If you miss your court date, no worries!

    Yes, my friend I am promising you the New Built Back Better American Dream! All you have to do is show up.

    What are you waiting for? Caravans forming daily. Hop on one soon!

  8. Even Jeh Johnson, 0bama’s DHS head, knew that they needed to keep border crossings down. He talked about it in 2018, recognizing that the ‘evil Trump cages’ came from the previous administration and that they did it intentionally as a deterrent.

  9. I’d like to know the true number of third world immigrants here now, I bet it’s up over 50 million.
    This is what bothers me more than anything else they do. It can’t be undone and the country is already unrecognizable.

  10. “…ban on deporting criminal illegal immigrants will essentially turn the entire country into “a sanctuary jurisdiction” and will lead to people being killed, raped, and victimized by criminals that shouldn’t even be here,…”

    Isn’t that the plan?
    Progressive socialist, communist operative elites create a crisis, that must not go to waste, then cultivate the massive destruction that becomes the result.

    Yep! Everyhing is going as planned.
    However, a fool says in his heart there is no God. Xiden, Maomala and crew while experience a reckoning for the blood shed by illigal criminals flooding the U.S. borders, in addition to their other crimes committed against the American people.


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