Former IRS Contractor Admits to Taking Job with Intent to Steal and Leak Trump’s Tax Returns, DOJ Reports – IOTW Report

Former IRS Contractor Admits to Taking Job with Intent to Steal and Leak Trump’s Tax Returns, DOJ Reports


Charles Littlejohn, a former contractor for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), confessed to intentionally taking a role at the agency with the specific aim of stealing and leaking former President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

In September, according to court documents and an official press release from the Department of Justice, Charles Littlejohn, 38, of Washington, D.C., stole tax return information associated with a high-ranking government official, referred to as Public Official A. He then disclosed this information to a news organization identified as News Organization 1.

A source familiar with the matter informed CNN that the unnamed official mentioned in the legal documents is former President Donald Trump.

12 Comments on Former IRS Contractor Admits to Taking Job with Intent to Steal and Leak Trump’s Tax Returns, DOJ Reports

  1. And yet, a national hero.
    I promise I’ll release my tax returns. A lie.
    I promise I’ll release my tax returns but their under an audit.
    Another lie. Equals all lies all the time.

  2. And now they will hit him hard with legal action to discourage anyone from revealing democrats’ tax returns in the future. His work is done and accomplished what they wanted it to, so they only need to warn others not to do the same to them.

  3. Oh look. AnonyMUTT is back with both his brain cells firing. I loves me some AnonyMUTT. It reaffirms my desire to be well informed. Not a drooling idiot spewing leftist talking points

  4. As a Loan Originator, if I had done that I would be looking at 30 years.

    As someone working for the Federal Government, there should be a trail and if found guilty put him against a wall and shoot the bastard. the whole level of trust/ violation of said trust.

  5. The IRS is a Constitutional abortion.
    (another gift from Wilsonian Socialism aped from Europe – proof that “you can fool all of the people some of the time”)

    Repeal the 16th and be done with this intrusive, hateful, vengeful criminal organization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “I hope President Trump sues the irs for hundred of millions.”

    And if he won, he’d be paid with YOUR money – the IRS has NO MONEY of its own.

    Execute the guilty (after trial and conviction, of course) – that’ll put a stop to this bullshit – start with Lois Lerner and follow up with John Koskinen and whatever maggots are currently with the IRS.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Sue the IRS? For not catching my fraudulent tax returns. Sir, sir excuse me how about we give you a free vacation to most beautiful, most wonderful Cooba Gitmo resort. Waterboarding sports & solitary confinement included with this non exclusive permanent vacation.

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