Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution – IOTW Report

Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution


In yet another blatant display of political persecution, former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters, 68—a gold star mother—has been sentenced to 9 years in prison.

After bravely raising questions about election irregularities, Peters was relentlessly pursued by local and federal authorities, culminating in charges that were politically motivated from the outset.

Peters’ crime? Exposing the truth about what happened in the 2020 election.

Last month, Tina Peters was found guilty on seven of ten charges for preserving critical election data. more here

7 Comments on Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution

  1. The “judge” in this case, Matthew Barrett, made a big show of dressing down Tina Peters during her sentencing. He showed incredible bias against her and like so many corrupt trials run by morally bankrupt judges these days, he refused to allow evidence that would be exculpatory to her. Rather than addressing the actual issues Tina Peters uncovered (the Dominion machines being manipulated to favor democrats) the trial was only about ancillary issues created by the corrupt judicial process (drummed up charges around supposed process violations). This judge is pure evil and is one of the most contemptible excuses for a human being to ever don a black robe.

    This show trial was clearly all about covering up the corruption in our election system rather than seeking actual justice of any kind. If you haven’t seen his theatrics at her sentencing, you won’t have to watch for long to see what a contemptible scumbag this judge truly is.

  2. What a frickin outrage! I’m so disgusted with what is going on in this country, and I don’t see it getting better. Trump winning would certainly be a positive step but if he gets sworn in I’ll be shocked.


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