Former ‘Ministry of Truth’ Head Turns on Biden – IOTW Report

Former ‘Ministry of Truth’ Head Turns on Biden

Republic Brief:
On April 27, the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the first Disinformation Governance Board. The board’s stated goal was to “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security.” The Biden administration appointed Nina Jankowicz as the board’s executive director.

Jankowicz, 33, was tapped by the administration to run the newly created disinformation board because the administration saw her as an expert in the field. Her work is apparently well respected within the small community of researchers who study disinformation.

But Jankowicz was scrutinized for her history of spreading misinformation, such as a story denying the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop.

According to critics, DHS’ new board resembled George Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ from 1984 and was designed to silence conservative voices. It is clear from the novel that the ministry was used to spread information – and that it was able to rewrite the history of a fictional world in order to change the facts.

After just a few weeks, the DHS shut down the board for a “pause”, and its head, Jankowicz, resigned.

Jankowicz was slammed for disinformation she spread about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the discredited Steele Dossier, which former CIA officer Daniel Hoffman said was part of a disinformation campaign by Russia. She also called Republicans who criticized critical race theory (CRT) “disinformers.”

Late in May, during its “pause,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appointed the co-author of the PATRIOT Act, one of the most draconian restrictions on civil liberties in the modern era, and a former official from President Bill Clinton’s administration to lead the Disinformation Governance Board.

In a statement, the department announced that former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former U.S. Deputy Secretary-General Jamie Gorelick under Clinton “will lead a thorough review and assessment” of the DGB and stated that it was “grossly and intentionally mischaracterized.”

Now Jankowicz is back and she’s turned on Joe Biden and his administration. more

18 Comments on Former ‘Ministry of Truth’ Head Turns on Biden

  1. All these democrat sour grapes sure taste sweet to me. I’m jumping on the “Biden is going to get pushed out before the mid-terms bandwagon”. Yeah the evidence is piling up and Humper is gonna pull Brandon over that finish line. Ironically.


  2. ah yes, Jamie Gorelick

    vice chairman of Fanny Mae during the Housing Scandal where Fanny lost $10 billion in an ‘accounting’ error
    as Deputy Attorney General under Clinton, she created the ‘wall’ between the CIA & the FBI on passing information between them … helping to lead to 9/11

    … real sweetheart .. just another Marxist hellbent on destroying the US

  3. @ Jethro
    “She should sleep with hunter. Guaranteed to get access to “the big guy”.

    And all the drugs, foreign bribe money, and under-aged girls she wants, if those are her thing

  4. A disinformation czar cancelled by her commie upper management -“Obsolete!”.
    Useful idiots never expect Marxist doctrine can and will be used against them.

  5. Oh sure. It wasn’t meant as a “ministry of truth” or anything as nefarious as that. Nooooooo….
    This woman is delusional.
    I’d bet if she went to a shrink she’d be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.


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