Former NBC Producer: NY Attorney General Investigating Sex Harassment at Network – IOTW Report

Former NBC Producer: NY Attorney General Investigating Sex Harassment at Network

Newsbusters: NBC, the network that employed accused sexual harasser Matt Lauer for decades and buried the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal, has another problem. According to a former producer at the network, NBC is being investigated for sexual harassment by the New York Attorney General. Investigative journalist Rich McHugh appeared on Monday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight and confirmed the story: “That is true. I’m aware of it. I have been looking into it for a story. It was the New York Attorney General’s Office Civil Division.”

Cautioning that the story was still early and developing, McHugh added, “I do know that they’ve been looking into this and interviewing employees over a number of months.” read more

8 Comments on Former NBC Producer: NY Attorney General Investigating Sex Harassment at Network

  1. Letitia, what happened to your Trump witch hunt?

    “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing, demanding truthfulness at every turn.”

    Things sure do change quickly, don’t they? Best of luck with your pivot.

  2. It’s very hard to get excited about something like this. We know the media are scum and employ very stupid, unethical and morally twisted people. The only surprise is that they aren’t out of business yet.

  3. Maybe women should just stay in the home after all.

    1. They are a legal liability.
    2. Less people in the job market = better pay and opportunities for men.
    3. Someone should raise a stable family, not daycare workers.
    4. Women in the workforce movement was just to open the door for unmarried, childless lesbians that didn’t have anything to do.

  4. “Is this why the head of NBC News stepped down last week?”
    Could be… Comcast might have gotten served some papers, but then again, anyone taking bets Lack was one of the harassers?

  5. AA
    Disclosure – I have been a Ronny Dem for over 65 years!

    Had Bush done what he promised in 88 and continued Ronny’s tax overhaul they would be gone! Ronny wanted a “Flat Tax” NO LOOPHOLES at 20%. The reason the MSM will be here long after you and I are gone is the “loopholes” in the tax law.
    “loophole” is a derogatory conservative term! Liberal/progressives say “deductions + exemptions”

    But it is OUR FEDERAL TAX $ THAT KEEPS THEM IN BUSINESS! Without taxpayer support from loopholes – ok Deductions + Exemptions – their bottom lines would be RED.

    Second disclaimer

    I was a “Bean Couter” for decades

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