Former NYC Mayor deBlasio and wife separating… Sort of. – IOTW Report

Former NYC Mayor deBlasio and wife separating… Sort of.

Envolve: On Wednesday, former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that he would be separating from his wife of 29 years, Chirlane McCray, while still remaining married and living together.

The far-left couple does not plan to get a formal divorce but instead will stay married while dating other people.

McCray publicly identified as a lesbian in the 1990s prior to her marriage to de Blasio.

Speaking to the New York Times, de Blasio said, “For the guy who took the chance on the woman who was an out lesbian and wrote an article called ‘I Am a Lesbian,’ there was a part of me that would at times say, ‘Hmmm, is this like a time bomb ticking? Is this something that you’re going to regret later on?’ So I always lived with that stuff.”

De Blasio attributed some of the relationship’s failures to his position as NYC mayor, saying, “Everything was this overwhelming schedule, this sort of series of tasks. And that kind of took away a little bit of our soul.” MORE HERE

16 Comments on Former NYC Mayor deBlasio and wife separating… Sort of.

  1. They aren’t partners in marriage, they are partners in crime. Staying married so that one can’t testify against the other in regards to that missing $850 million. You know, in case anybody ever asks about it. 🙄

  2. Maybe they’ll get their own soap opera … “As the Worm Turns”

    Can’t say as I really GAF about either of them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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