Former NYPD boss Bernie Kerik changes mind: socialism bigger threat to U.S. than Islamic terrorism – IOTW Report

Former NYPD boss Bernie Kerik changes mind: socialism bigger threat to U.S. than Islamic terrorism

Just The News- Former commissioner of the New York Police Department Bernard (Bernie) Kerik spoke with Just the News today about what he thinks is the single most radical threat to American safety.

For 20 years Kerik has been consistent on his answer – Islamic terrorism. 

But for the first time, he’s changing his answer.

7 Comments on Former NYPD boss Bernie Kerik changes mind: socialism bigger threat to U.S. than Islamic terrorism

  1. It’s official. Maple syrup is a hallucinogen. Bernie just won his home state of Vermont .

    Pass the Mrs. Butterworths.

    I preferred safe hallucinogenics back in the day. Like LSD. Maple syrup was never one of them.

    How high are Vermonters? Plus. Hallucinogenics were back in the 70s. A couple of times. Vermonters do maple windowpane to this day, and then go vote, apparently.

  2. I respect the man (he was there at 9-11), he is on the Joe Piscopo Show pretty regularly and he is always generally right, I heard about this, early this morning. His son was in the Jersey City shoot out!

    He also got railroaded by the Feds too, so he can speak to MANY things…

    But on this one? Per what Anon said up there. I have no other reason to think, because of what is being NOT said, and what is BEING protected in the Swamp right now, that Islamists have deeply penetrated the State/Swamp, (Brennan comes to mind).

    Kerik knows this, but he cannot really come out and say it.

  3. There’s a reason both the moslims and socialists are getting a pass and that reason are the teacher’s unions. The NEA and AFT are the number 1 enemies this country faces. Unless and until they are disbanded they will continue to churn out millions of useful idiots every year.

    It’s a wonder we aren’t all socialist moslims now anyways.

  4. maple syrup, mmm mmm mmm

    I go right to the farm that makes it when I need more, call them up, tell them i’m coming and what I want

    made right in upstate ny

    cuts out the middle man

    helps the farmer avoid taxes

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