Former NYPD Commissioner Urges FBI to Brand Antifa a Domestic Terror Group – IOTW Report

Former NYPD Commissioner Urges FBI to Brand Antifa a Domestic Terror Group


Following the vicious assault against journalist Andy Ngo in Portland, Oregon over the weekend at the hands of Antifa, conservatives nationwide demanded that the federal government and the Justice Department formally declare the radical, left-wing group a domestic terror organization.

Well, during Wednesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik lent his voice to the chorus.

Brian Kilmeade filled in and began by reminding viewers of the fact that Antifa was “encouraged and rewarded by the elite class,” recalling that “Chris Cuomo of CNN compared them to D-Day soldiers. Don Lemon loved them.”

After being asked if it’s “time to classify Antifa as a terror group,” Kerik busted out the dictionary definition of terrorist:

Well, listen. First of all, this is an extremely violent group that goes out and threatens, intimidates, attacks with extreme violence for political reasons. If you look up terrorism, the definition of terrorism, that’s what terrorism is. When somebody threats, imposes threats and violence against someone else for political reasons.

“I’ve said this in the past and some people would disagree, I think they should be designated as a terror group, a domestic terror group,” he said.

His reasoning was that “the locals, the local state, police entities out there” were just on doing the job that needed to be done. He then blasted the Portland Police for not doing their jobs to protect the people: more

8 Comments on Former NYPD Commissioner Urges FBI to Brand Antifa a Domestic Terror Group

  1. Just force them to remove their masks and they will go away. They are only willing to commit violent acts in anonymity.
    These are nothing like the original antifasciste – of course those were born in the depths of the Depression, the current gang’s members sleep in their parents’ basements until noon.

  2. Hmmm…..the SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center is a self-righteous standard-bearer of Leftist Ironic Hypocrisy. I wonder if they have weighed in on fascist AntiFa.

    Has the SPLC declared the fascist AntiFa as a domestic terror group?

    (Crickets) 🦗

    Hey SPLC i am still waiting…

    (more crickets) 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

  3. They get PAID to do this shit!!! The rumor is that they are financed by $$$$ from George Soros organizations!! Police need to use tranqualizer darts on them and then fly em to Patagonia!!!


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