Former Obama Campaign Manager Says Trump Would Beat Sanders in 2020 – IOTW Report

Former Obama Campaign Manager Says Trump Would Beat Sanders in 2020


Jim Messina, a former campaign manager for Barack Obama, thinks Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wouldn’t be able to beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Messina said in an interview with ABC’s Powerhouse Politics podcast this week that he thinks the Democratic socialist Sanders would struggle with winning swing voters compared to Trump when it comes to addressing economic issues.

“Bernie Sanders is unlikely to going to be able to stand up to the constant barrage that is Donald Trump on economic issues,” Messina said.

He also predicted that Sanders would be one of the final two or three candidates, adding that other prominent presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, and former Vice President Joe Biden are also people to keep an eye on. Biden is expected to announce his 2020 bid on April 24.

Messina also went on to say Sanders would struggle at exciting the Democratic base to attract new voters and grab swing voters—a combo he said helped former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama win the candidacy.

“And to win an election against Donald Trump you have to do both. … We’re going to look for a nominee to do both and today we would say in the general election context Bernie Sanders wouldn’t be that candidate,” he said.  more here

13 Comments on Former Obama Campaign Manager Says Trump Would Beat Sanders in 2020

  1. BETO ….right…..what a clown….Kamala “heels up” from Kommie Kalifornia….right….

    It is Biden or Sanders, a pair of white 80 year old crooks….LOVE the Democratic Diversity

  2. So if Sanders isn’t the candidate that can pull it off, which one of them is?

    Or is it someone yet to emerge?

    IMO, Trump is a lot more popular than the Democrats think he is, and their constant and increasingly hysterical attacks on him will do them much more harm than good.

    Maybe I’m wrong, we’ll see.

  3. What does anything on the left have to beat, really?
    I suppose they could dig Hitlery up again – that would not surprise me, and it sure would piss off the rest of the demopack.
    So, DNC, better start digging!

  4. I have never seen a line up of democrats running for President that are as worthless and embarrassing as this gaggle of candidates running in this election cycle. Also, I believe having to endure two years of posturing and running fro President is about 18 monthe two long.

  5. Let’s not be Hellary and count our chickens before they hatch. Trump could do more to shore up his base. Another 5 or 10 points on his favorability rating will do a lot of good and swing lots of independents his way.

    He has started the wall. NOW FINISH IT!

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