Former Obama Staffer Says Woke Math Could Pose a Threat to National Security – IOTW Report

Former Obama Staffer Says Woke Math Could Pose a Threat to National Security

Tatum Report:

A leading Democratic economist is voicing concern about the emergence of “antiracist” math courses, saying it could be a national security threat. Larry Summers, a Harvard economist who directed President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council, recently shared a letter signed by more than 700 academics condemning the development of woke math efforts in K-12 schools.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that supporters of the “antiracist” curriculum frequently advocate for abolishing advanced math programs to limit success gaps for low-performing children. According to k12mathmatters, the organization behind the open letter, this flawed strategy reduces “access to skills needed for social mobility.” The letter states: more

20 Comments on Former Obama Staffer Says Woke Math Could Pose a Threat to National Security

  1. It’s already apparent that education nowadays is rendering millions of young people stupid, ignorant, and fools. This is exactly what the liberals want. Dumbed down children who become worthless adults. Just yesterday had to help one a (purple and orange haired, nose ring millennial), that 6 + 5 = 11. I even showed him how to count on his fingers. Yeah, the kid was embarrassed. Even spelling is horrible among this group. National Security? We’re screwed.

  2. Wait, didn’t The Religion of Peace develop all of the advanced math ideas? Are you saying that those advances are wrong? And doesn’t that put you in the non-woke category?

  3. I’m sorry that so many non-white people & whimmin are miserable because they can’t read, write, do math, or practice rudimentary emotional self control. But ruining the entire fucking civilization is not the goddamn answer to the problem. Maybe, the answer is not kissing these fool’s asses anymore.

  4. As I’ve repeated, ad nauseam, give em a degree in proportion to the degrees earned by honkies and asians and make the woke companies hire them. They don’t have to learn shit. Issue the degree upon birth – PhD, MD, DDS, MA, MS, BA, BS – that silly shit one Jill’s got. No discrimination, no maff, no cursive, no nothing.

    “I’ze be a rocket sturgeon, yo!”
    “Well, shit, niggah, I can’t read what I’ze be at ….. but da EBT be full-up!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It doesn’t matter anymore, after 50 years of affirmative action quota-hires, the entire system is filled with ignorant dumb-asses who can’t do basic math or write a coherent sentence. And those are just the ones who want to “work”.

  6. I woke up to the crack of Dawn yesterday & was having a little trouble breathing. I asked Dawn, can you please get off my face. I woke up grumpy this morning. That was a mistake, should of just let her sleep.

  7. I admit to being what Bush called Ronny 42 yers ago; A xenollphobic , white nationalist.
    I was 1 of 7 guys in my schools first Calculus class 62 yers ago. – 3 footballers(counting me), no BBallers, 1 base ball (also foot ball)!

    I still say 2×3=6; and only 6!

  8. Sort of line with this whole trend towards loserdom… Time magazine just named Simone Biles Athlete of the Year… For quitting while black and female, apparently. Nothing for Suni Lee, the second generation Hmong who stepped up in Bile’s absence to pick up multiple golds, because Asians tend to do “too well”, and, therefore, deserve no praise.

  9. Summers lost his job at Harvard for saying in a conference that men may be naturally better at math and science.

    One feminist in the audience said the remark made her physically ill – talk about being a strong woman!!!???

    I have no reason to think girls can’t math, but historically males have been the brightest stars in those fields. Summers may have had a point, and should not have lost his job over it.

    This is another case of liberals choking on their own medicine.


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