Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’ – IOTW Report

Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’


A former Department of State official confessed Monday that the reason no one in the Obama administration referred to certain acts of terror as “radical Islam” is because they were scared of alienating Muslim allies.

In an op-ed written for The New York Times, Richard Stengel, who previously served as under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, said there was a very clear reason no one could–or did–label various acts of terror as the product of “radical Islam” and instead used the much less loaded term “violent extremism.”

For Stengel, the reason the Obama administration shied away from the term “radical Islam” was not because it was “too timid or too politically correct,” despite harsh criticisms from Republicans and especially President Donald Trump.

Rather, it was because the Obama administration was concerned the term would alienate Muslim allies in the Middle East.

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17 Comments on Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’

  1. “no one in the Obama administration referred to certain acts of terror as “radical Islam” is because they were scared of alienating Muslim allies.”

    And this surprises anyone? We all knew even before he was elected in 2008 that BO considered the radical islamic terrorists to be his allies.

  2. “They also told us that they did not consider the Islamic State to be Islamic, and its grotesque violence against Muslims proved it,” he added.

    No, they committed acts of violence against “lukewarm” muslims. It is the “radical muslims” who follow the Koran.

  3. And Trayvon Martin could have been Obama’s son because the Obama WH didn’t want to alienate who, thug murders of America?

    It’s all the not so subtle racism of extremely low expectations of the left for their voters.

  4. “Obama firmly stated that ‘there’s no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things that they [radical muslims] do.'”

    Oh, yes, there fucking is religious rationale, and it is all spelled out in the koran and the hadith.

    Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians as your friends. (Sura 5:51)
    Infidels are those who declare: “God is the Christ, the son of Mary.” (Sura 5:17)
    Infidels are those that say, “God is one of three in a Trinity.” (Sura 5:73)
    Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. (Surs 9:123)
    The infidels are your sworn enemies. (Sura 4:01)
    When you meet the infidel in the battlefield, strike off their heads. (Sura 47:4)
    Mohammad is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the infidels. (Sura 48:29)
    Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them. (Sura 2:191)
    Never be a helper to the disbelievers. (Sura 28:86)
    Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them and take them (captive) and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they respent and establish sorship and pay the jizya (a tax for non-muslims) then leave their way free. (Sura 9:5)

    Religion of peace, my ass.

  5. How does he explain the obama lie of “workplace violence”
    which conveniently screwed our military members out of deserved disability and other benefits despite being attacked by enemy agents,
    the same ones that we now acknowledge as ‘radical muslims’?

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