Law Officer: A former Houston police officer severely injured when her Taser failed to stop a combative, mentally ill woman has filed a federal lawsuit against the device’s manufacturer.
The Houston Chronicle reports that the suit by former Officer Karen Taylor says Tasers have failed to function properly at least 450 times in the Houston Police Department in the past five years, causing unnecessary injury and sometimes death to officers and suspects.
Can that pic be photoshopped to show an electric G clef?
(the cover pic, not this one up above)
What a Dyke.
Just draw your Glock and shoot the muddafooker and say you thought it was your Taser. It’s been done. What the hell, just an honest mistake.
Wanna know what I think? This dyke was an Affirmative Action hire who knew from the git-go she would never have to rise to male standards. She knew she could under perform and the lawyers, unions, media, and chain of command had her back. So she found herself in a position she should never been placed in. And, of course, it’s not her fault! Now, the city of Houston is bankrupt, partially because of Police and Fire pensions. But there is a pretty good chance the city can be sued for tens of millions. She’ll get hers. You can bet on that. Could be all wrong on this but something does not smell right.
“something does not smell right.”
Yea, “Back Injuries”. The favorite injury of ambulance chasing attorneys.
judgeroybean can read the stitches on a fastball.
Hope she doesn’t draw Judge Ito from Los Angeles.
Just ask former Los Angeles Police Department Sgt. Stacey Coons. Same thing happened to him.
If that article is stating the event in it’s totality and accurately, Taser Int. has nothing to worry about.
Equipment dependent & failure to wait for back-up on a situation that posed no immediate public safety hazard to the subject, citizens, or officer (or at least not stated in the article).
First rule in defensive tacts: nothing is always 100% effective, especially when you’re dealing with mental and/or drugs. What kind of clothing was she wearing? Crazies dress in layers and the Taser probes may not efficiently penetrate.
I could write pages… but again, going off an article that we do not know how complete the event has been related.
Her training should have taught her that a tazer is not 100% effective; it just pisses off some people (Rodney King ring a bell?). Any good cop has a plan B. A guy would have just decked the trouble maker and solved the problem.
Tony R, Rodney King was beaten instead being dog-piled, not tased.
BigGun: The LA officers tried the tasers first. The reason Rodney King was beaten was because the tasers did not work.
That’s a great way to get rid of lesbians, I like it.
Can’t we just all get along?
Yes, he was initially Tased, I had forgotten that. The tasers were in their infancy. He was subsequently BEATEN instead of just being dog-piled. Thanks, RadioMattM. Pepper spray was also just in it’s testing phase with many agencies (also not 100% effective).
Just like to remind you guys LA isn’t really part of the United States and hasn’t been so for a long time.
GOOD LORD! Please give us a picture warning, I thought
I was being attacked!
If I recall correctly Rodney King was Tazed multiple times first, with multiple Tazers, then “Dog Piled” by at least three officers. The Night Sticks came out after the officers involved determined Mr. King was under the influence of PCP when he did a push up from under the “Dog Pile” exhibiting Super Human strength.
I have been told the only sure way to stop a person on PCP with a firearm is to placed a well aimed shot to the head, scrambling the “Bio Computer”.
The only reason Mr. King was not just another statistic of police involved shooting was that the officers felt they had enough man power on the scene to take him into custody. What most of us forget, or were not told, was that Mr. King was not the only the only occupant of the Hyundai Excell. There were three other occupants that peacefully complied with the officers authority by getting out of the car and were detained by being hand cuffed and sat on the curb. None of which were abused or mistreated by any officer at the scene.
The reason so many officers were on scene was that the initial contact was with California Highway Patrol, on the freeway. The failed traffic stop led to a “chase” for multiple city blocks, allowing plenty of time for backup to come to the aid of the, according to the LA Times, husband and wife CHP team initiating the traffic stop.
How about the dept that made her use it instead of a gun?
Shouldn’t she be suing the affirmative action folks who pulled the strings to get her in a job for which she was physically unqualified, as evidenced by the fact she got beat up by a woman.
I wonder if the man who was passed over for that job, who could probably bench 300 lbs, would have had difficulty in the same situation