Former President George H.W. Bush in Intensive Care – IOTW Report

Former President George H.W. Bush in Intensive Care

Breitbart: Former President George H.W. Bush is in a Houston, Texas hospital Monday, six days after his wife, former First Lady Barbara Bush, passed away.

According to a statement from the former president’s office, he is “responding to treatments and appears to be recovering” after being admitted Sunday, just hours after returning from his wife’s funeral Saturday:

President Bush was admitted to the Houston Methodist Hospital yesterday morning after contracting an infection that spread to his blood. He is responding to treatments and appears to be recovering. We will issue additional updates as events warrant. more

12 Comments on Former President George H.W. Bush in Intensive Care

  1. I voted for GWB and never regretted it, considering the choices. The whole family, though, has been a profound disappointment in the past few years, sniping at President Trump while having said nothing as President Obama pounded at GWB, blaming him for Obama’s own inabilities. I expected more and better.
    Having said that, I hope you’ll join me in saying a prayer for our ailing President, a genuine WW2 hero. I recall many of us prayed for VP Biden when his son passed away.

    RIP, Mrs. Barbara Bush. Speedy recovery, President Bush, Sr.

  2. @Fred, you said it better than I could ever have. You have to remember that, to GHWB’s generation, Trump is the polar opposite of everything that they were taught that a gentleman and a President should be, and they just couldn’t deal with it. I understand that, because many times I cringe at the things that Trump says and does, and I’m in the generation that came after Bush. But sometimes you have ignore your upbringing, swallow your teachings, and go with what works to get the job done. If I didn’t think Trump was a patriot, I wouldn’t be a supporter. He’s rude, crude, and sometimes socially unacceptable, but apparently he’s what the country needs right now.

    George Herbert Walker Bush was a war hero, and he did more than I or probably any other person reading these words have ever done for this country. Because of that, regardless of any mistakes he or his wife made in their later years, I will not disrespect the man.

    I will leave that to lesser people.

  3. Lazlo used to work laying block at a rural cemetery, making walls around plots and building retaining earthworks and such.
    I observed that if the husband passed first, often the wife would go on for years or decades before passing.
    If the wife passed first, the husband was often not far behind.
    I voted for both father and son. I will not say a bad thing about them.
    I agree with VietVet Mr. Trump is the antitheses of the old school the Bush’s come from. They just couldn’t deal.
    Republicans used to be the party of long suffering politeness in the face of liberal crassness.
    Those days are over.
    We need to become the ‘Old Hickory’ party now.
    Fighting and Scrapping should be our new middle names.

  4. @VietVet: I dunno, being married for 73 years is a long time, but was he faithful all those years?

    Lind leveled the accusations against the 41st president after seeing a photo of former President Barack Obama shaking hands with Bush at a recent benefit for all five living former U.S. presidents. She said:

    I found it disturbing because I recognize the respect ex-presidents are given for having served. And I feel pride and reverence toward many of the men in the photo. But when I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo. He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say ‘not again.’

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