Former Refugee Becomes First Black Woman to Win Miss Ireland, Complains About Racism – IOTW Report

Former Refugee Becomes First Black Woman to Win Miss Ireland, Complains About Racism

Summit News: A former refugee who became the first black woman to win Miss Ireland reacted to being given the award by complaining about racism.

Yes, really.

Former asylum seeker Pamela Uba said she received “a lot” of racist comments on the Internet after becoming the first black woman to win the award in its 74-year history.

“You’d be surprised,” Ms Uba said. “You would get a lot of bullying online, racism online, and I’ve experienced it quite a lot, especially since becoming Miss Galway and then becoming Miss Ireland. There is a minority there that feel the need to put out negativity.”

Some of the comments reported by Sky News weren’t even racist and merely expressed concerns about the native decline of white people.

“A black woman doesn’t represent the prototype of Irish women,” said one while another wrote: “So we all supposed to applaud the globalisation otherwise you’ll be silenced?”

Mean comments on the Internet are routinely reported by the British news media as if they’re the worst thing since the Holocaust, despite in many cases them proving to having been posted by people outside of Britain. more

31 Comments on Former Refugee Becomes First Black Woman to Win Miss Ireland, Complains About Racism

  1. She’s kinda mediocre. The big lesson: affirmative action hires know they suck, so theycry racism so their incompetence or corruption is not exposed.

    Sounds like the Obama idiots, doesn’t it.

    Anyway: Ireland’s stuck with her, not us.

  2. That must be the Beauty Contests version of a participation trophy. Did you see the picture of her having the crown placed on her head? She couldn’t even smile for that, just a scowl on her face. A mean, ungrateful, foreigner.

  3. Both things can be true; that many black people generate currency and status (Bubba Wallace, Jussie Smollett)by ginning up false narratives or even making shit up, and that there are some pretty vile racist people on social media.

    For me, it’s gotten to the point where I don’t believe any “racist” claims unless I see the evidence for myself.

  4. I’m glad my immigrant father from Leitrim is dead and my mother, from Roscommon has dementia. I have dual citizenship. Haven’t been there in 3 years, but I could have told you this was coming. Different country. Lost their culture. (Not so much in the “poor” west and northern west.) The younger Irish were “woke” before it came here. (My cousins in their 40’s and 50’s not so much.)

  5. They got rid of Aunt Jemima. They got rid of the Frito Bandito. The list goes on.

    But if there is one thing I have learned from Lucky Charms is that it is still okay to hate the Irish.

  6. If they DON’T like the country the immigrated to they can Always Immigrate back to the country they left! Or Better yet.. Don’t give them a Damn Choice.. send them back!

  7. Jaysus. Decades ago, the only Black Colored Irish were usually the result of a liaison between an Irish lass returning home with a baby from a stay in England without the father. There were practically no Muslims or Asians, except those attending university. Everything changed about twenty years ago when the EU started dictating that members needed to accept more asylum seekers. Most young, urban Irish think it’s a brilliant idea. Older, rural Irish not so much.


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