Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney: It’s our BioWeapon – IOTW Report

Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney: It’s our BioWeapon

Dr. McKinney, a six term former U.S. Representative from Georgia, discusses the origins of Covid and the associated Spike Protein, the susceptibility of different populations, information about U.S. funded biolabs and more.

9 Comments on Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney: It’s our BioWeapon

  1. Cynthia McKinney is a doctor like Jill Biden is a doctor ……. she has a bogus degree that calls her a doctor.

    From her wikipedia page:
    “McKinney completed her dissertation on the transformational leadership of Hugo Chavez and was awarded a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change by Antioch University.”

    Since she’s basically a communist, it is fitting that she is enough of a fan of Hugo Chavez to do her “dissertation” on his wonderful leadership of turning Venezuela into a communist shit-hole. I’m unsure as to why anyone would do a supposedly serious interview with her considering her history and background.

  2. Cynthia McKinney is batshit crazy. She showed up to Congress one time wearing dirty old sweats and no badge. One of Capitol Police stopped her and she went off on him, hitting him upside his head with her phone and asking “Do you know who I am?”

    Then there was her claim that the Bush administration had buried the bodies of 5000 blacks killed in Katrina out in the Louisiana swamps.

  3. If my country spent half as much time trying to create a better life for me as they do trying to kill me, I’d live forever. Hell, maybe we’d have a real cure for cancer instead of Joe falsely claiming he cured it.

    You are the carbon, you are the spike protein; you are the carbonized spike protein that this government, who you pay (at gunpoint) to represent you, wants to eliminate.

    If they just got the hell out of our way. Holy moley, government would be rolling in piles of valuable uninflated cash from citizens WILLING to hand over their cut. But the nanny nitpicking power trips they get off on can’t be put aside. It’s freaking pathetic communist tyranny harassment.

    A criminal enterprise with layers on top of layers of managers who love to call each other for their benefit of haranguing citizens; your ultimate Karen. A stereotypical suburban chardonnay mom harassing drive thru employees pales in comparison.

    Sorry, my rant, that government deems as misinformation, got a bit off topic.

  4. Father Tryphon, Abbot All-Merciful Savior Monastery, his message on closing churches

    Stand Firm! Stay Open!
    Fr Tryphon
    18.2K subscribers
    1,776 views Aug 27, 2023 VASHON ISLAND near Seattle

    The hospital for the soul stays open!

    Note: our monastery did close to visitors for about two months at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns. After that we mandated masks for non-monks for several weeks. It took us some time to see the problem with these measures. We understand others can and do make those same mistakes now, and we hope that we can all be a little faster to see the truth this time around. We have been there. Let’s not go back. Stand firm! Stay open!

    Watch video before Youtube takes it down

    repeat post

  5. Two people I have a strange new respect for are Cynthia McKinney and Russell Brand. If you’d told me a few years ago that this would be the case, I would have laughed my ass off. But there it is.

    I am from Georgia and know all about Cynthia. She’s always been a whack-job, like her dad, Billy, but it’s a strange, evil new world, and just because she’s paranoid—and a commie—doesn’t mean she’s been wrong about everything. It’s pretty obvious they’re methodically out to get us.

    She mentioned Cyber Polygon, so I went and looked it up. It sure looks like the next big thing is “protecting America from cyberattacks on our critical infrastructure”, such as pipeline and power plants. I am assuming that “critical infrastructure” also includes such things as port facilities and railroads, but I want to get back to power plants and pipelines.

    Isn’t it strange how power lines are suddenly becoming the culprits in “wildfires”? Power substations are randomly bring shot up? Pipelines are being hacked? It’s almost as if someone is creating a pressing need for their Cyber Polygon services.

    And don’t get me started about the fires and explosions at dozens of our food storage and processing facilities. I’m pretty sure we’re being groomed for the next big “safety” leverage, and the current covid sequel is just a distraction, or maintenance project.

    I know, I know…”Thirdtwin, you’re over-analyzing and getting lost in the weeds. And she’s a certified loon.”

    So, I’ll shut up now. But maybe they’re hoping that if “discredited” people like Cynthia McKinney spread warnings, nobody will take it seriously.

  6. ecp – Bravo. After over seven decades of observation I totally agree. I’ve seen it at the local level firsthand. But it’s small time compared to the Federal cabal. I always wonder what nitwit, power hungry Karen first thought of some of the bizarre ideas / agendas forced upon the masses. They simply don’t care what damage they do as long as they feel important or powerful. You’re right, if they’d just get out of the way we would all thrive. Two major things have led us to our current dilemma – our tolerance of uncivilized / unacceptable behavior and our loss of common sense.


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