Former Republican Rep. Darrell Issa Running for Congress in California’s 50th District – IOTW Report

Former Republican Rep. Darrell Issa Running for Congress in California’s 50th District

Legal Insurrection:

Other Republicans dropped out to throw their support behind the former Congressman.

Former Congressman Darrell Issa officially tossed his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday.

Issa served as a Congressman from 2001 to 2019 where he eventually became Chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee.

Rep. Duncan Hunter currently represents California’s 50th district. Hunter and his wife were recently indicted for “charges including conspiracy, wire fraud, and violating campaign finance laws,” reports the WaEx:

Issa is now running against Hunter in a military-heavy district that encompasses the central and northeastern parts of San Diego County. Under California’s election rules, the top two vote-getters face off against each other no matter what party. So, a Republican-on-Republican fight is realistic in the 50th District, where the GOP has an 11-point voter registration edge.

In August 2018, Hunter and his wife were indicted on charges including conspiracy, wire fraud, and violating campaign finance laws. In June, his wife pleaded guilty to corruption and named him as a co-conspirator in using campaign funds for personal expenses. His trial begins in February 2020, weeks ahead of the March primary.

Issa’s announcement prompted other Republican candidates to bow out and throw their support behind the former Congressman. MORE

6 Comments on Former Republican Rep. Darrell Issa Running for Congress in California’s 50th District

  1. question is … is Issa a Deep State creature, or a committed Trumpster? he bowed out after he won w/ only 1% of the lead … making Hunter the nominee … winning w/ 3.4% of the lead

    now that the D’rats are going after Hunter (no saint himself), Issa jumps back in, after failing to secure a Deep State slot

    ‘methinks thou doth protest too much’ ~ billy Shakespeare

    … if my opinion is incorrect, prove so & I will gladly admit it … otherwise, I’ll go have another drink! (pompous ass that I am)


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