Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn Claims Government is Behind ‘Honeypot’ Operations to Blackmail Politicians – IOTW Report

Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn Claims Government is Behind ‘Honeypot’ Operations to Blackmail Politicians

— Recounts Personal Experience (VIDEO).

During the interview, Cawthorn described scenarios in which extraordinarily attractive individuals, whom he referred to as “tens,” would appear in unexpected places and show a strong interest in politicians.

18 Comments on Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn Claims Government is Behind ‘Honeypot’ Operations to Blackmail Politicians

  1. Honeypot. A technique perfected by LBJ, and his crony Bobby Baker, to blackmail congressmen to vote the way he wanted. Looks like in the intervening 60 years, the FBI has picked up the ball and run with it.

  2. I have no doubt everything Cawthorn is alleging is true. BUT, the dudes done some really strange shit, naked, in bed, with men. AND RECORDED IT. WTF? He’s going to be pretty easy to discredit.

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