Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D) : Obama Knew He Was Lying About Health Insurance – IOTW Report

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D) : Obama Knew He Was Lying About Health Insurance


Former Sen. Bob Kerrey said President Barack Obama must have known he was lying when he told Americans they could keep their insurance plans under his signature healthcare reform act.

Image: Bob Kerrey: Obama Knew He Was Lying About Health Insurance

“He had to know he was misleading the audience,” the Nebraska Democrat said about Obama’s pledge as he was touting his Affordable Care Act.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, he said, “‘On the other hand, he may have said it so many times that the spell-checker wasn’t in the room — the spell-checker, the fact-checker — somebody who says, ‘Excuse me, Mr. President, but I hope you know this.'”
Kerrey, who was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1992, said Obama’s “promise” was never going to be carried out because “there were a million people out there with policies that, for one reason or another, run short of the minimum standard. I mean, they bought something cheaper.”



17 Comments on Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D) : Obama Knew He Was Lying About Health Insurance

  1. …Never ceases to amaze me how all these
    “Retired” Lib-Dems become wise to all the
    lies and BS from their Party, once they
    are out of the limelight, don’t have to
    defend and protect their partners in crime!!!
    A good DemocRAT is a mute one…

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