Former Sen. Harry Reid undergoes surgery for pancreatic cancer – IOTW Report

Former Sen. Harry Reid undergoes surgery for pancreatic cancer

FOX: Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is currently being treated for pancreatic cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The former Democratic senator from Nevada underwent surgery Monday to remove a tumor from his pancreas, Reid’s family confirmed in a statement.

“His doctors caught the problem early during a routine screening and his surgeons are confident that the surgery was a success and that the prognosis for his recovery is good,” the statement adds.

Reid’s family said he’ll undergo chemoptherapy as part of his treatment. His surgery was successful and Reid was “in good spirits” and “resting” with his family afterward.

“He is grateful to his highly skilled team of doctors and to all who have sent and continue to send their love and support,” his family adds.

45 Comments on Former Sen. Harry Reid undergoes surgery for pancreatic cancer

  1. must be great to be a leech on the taxpayers & get the best healthcare our $$$ can buy ….

    John McShitStain, Harry Greed … it’s just f*ckin’ great we pay to keep these shit pickles ticking, while we can’t afford ‘Affordable Health Care’

  2. His doctors caught the problem early during a routine screening and his surgeons are confident that the surgery was a success and that the prognosis for his recovery is good.

    Wow. Such terrible news.

  3. It’s hard to be mean spirited to someone facing these diseases but somewhere tonight there is someone walking through a hospital and smelling the stink of his fear and disease.

    Is Harry becoming one of the unwashed? What an arrogant arse he is.

  4. I’ve known 5 people with pancreatic cancer and they all died quickly….Why do I think that harry should linger longer and enjoy the journey for 5 more weeks of pain?….

  5. “His doctors caught the problem early during a routine screening and his surgeons are confident that the surgery was a success and that the prognosis for his recovery is good,” the statement adds.

    The doctors said the same thing about McCain and Kennedy and look what happened to them. McCain is planning his funeral so, so much for “good prognosis.” Reid is getting his come uppins just like McCain, good riddance.

  6. *sigh*

    I so looked forward to his hanging.
    To escape justice, just as did Ted Kennedy and (perhaps) Juan McCain, is a slap in the face of our Constitution, our culture, our Nation, and our sensibilities.

    He should be dragged out of the hospital and hanged (when the shit gets worse and there’s no hope left).
    (hope for his carcass, not his soul – which is (probably) beyond hope)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Reid still owes zillions to the Vegas Mafia, who took his eye as a “reminder”.

    Cancer treatment…in faraway Maryland?

    Desperate Harry is hoping to fake his own death and slip away.

  8. OMG, they’re dropping like flies. The Trump curse strikes again. Pancreatic cancer has one of the lowest cure rate. It’s hard to drum up any sympathy for this slimeball.

  9. They gave my old man the same prognosis. Dead in six months. Pancreatic cancer don’t play and it’s not a pleasant way to go. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

    The reaper is calling and all of the power, graft, and wealth in the world can’t save him or anyone else when the time comes. In a way, it’s an expression of ultimate truth.

  10. OMG!… Cancer got Harry Reid… Does anyone have an address for Cancer; so I can send it flowers and a card. Cancer may suck, but even it doesn’t deserve a case of Harry Reid.

  11. I don’t give a dam about their sickness.

    Him and so and so…

    We ALL have one or will get one or you know of one. sickness.

    Me? My mom is dead 3 years today, a dear friend dying from cancer any day now.

    What KILLS ME is the lying on the House floor about a private citizen is paying in taxes and ‘fell on an exercise machine’??

    What was the line at the end of the Planet of the Apes?

  12. “willysgoatgruff MAY 14, 2018 AT 8:13 PM
    C’MON HILLARY!!!!!…’ll make my trifecta pay hugely….”


  13. Probably won’t see him for much longer. In pain all the time and can’t/won’t eat – turn into a skeleton after losing LOTS of weight, and the end will be fairly quick. My brother died of pancreatic cancer last year. Chemo and radiation starting September ’16, 16 hour surgery in January ’17 and they thought they got it all, but he just wouldn’t eat. We did everything we could to fatten him up but he passed in April, basically from starvation – weighed 83 lbs. Have a nephew that died of it 3 years ago. That man never once complained of the pain. Nasty disease, don’t wish it even on Hairy Greed.

  14. Sometimes I regret that charity toward our enemies within was burned out of me during the 0bama Reign of Error. Not in this case, you know, but sometimes.

    Go to Hell, Harry. The sooner the better.

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