Former Top Biden Adviser Susan Rice Reportedly Called Cabinet Sec A ‘B*tch-A*s’ Over Handling Of Migrant Shelters – IOTW Report

Former Top Biden Adviser Susan Rice Reportedly Called Cabinet Sec A ‘B*tch-A*s’ Over Handling Of Migrant Shelters

Daily Caller:

A former top adviser for President Joe Biden reportedly called Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra a “bitch-ass” over his handling of migrant shelters, Axios reported Monday.

Former Domestic Policy Adviser Susan Rice, who stepped down from her post in April, privately attacked Becerra over what she believed was his reluctance to find more space in child migrant shelters, according to Axios. She also reportedly referred to Becerra as an “idiot.” more

20 Comments on Former Top Biden Adviser Susan Rice Reportedly Called Cabinet Sec A ‘B*tch-A*s’ Over Handling Of Migrant Shelters

  1. She picked up her marbles and went home last April. When did all of this cat-fighting *reportedly* happen? Two years ago? Rice has probably already been given her next deep state assignment by ValJar. Thanks for the stale gossip, though.

  2. Nothing better than the work environment in the Bid’in his time administration. These people are already packing their bags. With intermittent eye gouging. They know this gig is over.

  3. Among the hive of scum and villainy who run the democrat party are three camps on open borders:

    1. The camp that wants open borders as a literal means to destroy the United States, i.e. Cloward-Piven scumbags like Rice and Obama. These people want bad consequences.

    2. Morons who truly believe that open borders will give the democrats a permanent electoral majority. These people mostly make up the NGO activist class who assist illegal immigration for an actual living. These people never grasp the concept of consequences.

    3. Those who want open borders to get a permanent electoral majority but are also noticing that it may cost democrats some political demographics they thought they owned forever, like Hispanic US citizens and young blacks.



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