Former Trump aides are launching a new social media platform – IOTW Report

Former Trump aides are launching a new social media platform

Blaze: Former Trump aides have launched a new social media platform meant to compete with Twitter, but the former president isn’t joining it and plans to launch his own platform.

The platform is called GETTR, which is short for “Getting Together,” and it’s headed by Jason Miller, who worked previously as the spokesman for former President Donald Trump. Former Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh is also on board with the social media effort.

Trump supporters have been eagerly awaiting for a new social media platform promised by the former president, but it appears as if this is not it.

Bloomberg News reported that Trump won’t be joining GETTR, will have no financial stake in the platform, and has plans to launch his own. more here

7 Comments on Former Trump aides are launching a new social media platform

  1. This is ridicules; GETTR, Parler, Gab, Trump’s own platform, the left hand needs to start talking to the right hand. They are diluting the product to irrelevance.

    Trump more than anyone understands the power of social media, the reach it has in facilitating and disseminating the message. He needs to hold a pow-wow with the major heavy hitters, his doners and supporters in big tech and the media, and create ONE alternative to twitter, one that everyone can get behind and promote, one where his multi-million numbered supporters can gather for information, strategy and marching orders for defeating this progressive scourge that has befallen us.

  2. At the moment it appears to be an utter mess, Groypers (whatever the hell they are) are causing major problems and the main people I am following are at least waiting for it to be running smoothly.
    I am waiting for Trump to endorse a single platform.

  3. Waste of time, money, and effort. People who believe in the constitution, freedom, minimum government control, freedom, low taxes, freedom, freedom, and freedom, need to get their shit together. All I keep hearing from Trump is that he will do this or that, perhaps, one day. If he wants to do something positive, he should call a meeting of all like-minded freedom-lovers (politicos, business leaders, former military, and money men) and hammer-out a grand strategy that we the people can get behind; rallies just ain’t going to cut it… look how it played out last time. There’s too much diversity of purpose right now. Focus, people, focus.


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