Former Twitter Employee Can’t Seem To Find Meditation Room At New Taco Bell Job – IOTW Report

Former Twitter Employee Can’t Seem To Find Meditation Room At New Taco Bell Job


SAN FRANCISCO, CA — According to sources, a local developer who was recently let go from Twitter is having a difficult time finding the meditation room at his new job at the SFO Airport Taco Bell.

“Huh. It’s gotta be around here somewhere,” said the confused 2nd shift Burrito Assembly Specialist as he looked around the facility. “I hope I find it soon because that last order was very, very stressful.”

Sources say the man previously held a prestigious position at Twitter as an Assistant Algorithmic Diversity Intervention and Sensitivity Coordinator making $238,000 per year. He also enjoyed free food, unlimited naps, and the use of 42 conveniently placed “quiet rooms” for transcendental meditation between meetings. more

20 Comments on Former Twitter Employee Can’t Seem To Find Meditation Room At New Taco Bell Job

  1. Years ago, many years ago…I drove a semi that delivered all of the goods to Taco Bell restaurants….Beef, lettuce, tomatoes, beans, paper goods etc… and the meditation room was where we put the flavor, cuz there wasn’t any…

  2. It’s sad … so sad.
    Back when I was carrying bricks, setting up scaffolds, and distributing mortar I had great difficulties discovering the whereabouts of the meditation room, too.

    And that was at $2.75/hr – outdoors – rain, snow, or shine.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Well some of them prima donna’s can work from home, jut not for Twitter. They’re world has come down around them. I hope they are getting their worse nightmare handed to them by Elon. They can say whatever, it’s what’s being done that matters. Elon is doing what we all wish would happen, and here’s our wish and we can’t believe it! Revel in it, it’s going to get better. Each day I hear that a billionaire lost billions, I visualize them eating at Denny’s conjuring up ways for another scheme.


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