Former US diplomat pleads guilty to raping, drugging, photographing dozens of women over 14 years – IOTW Report

Former US diplomat pleads guilty to raping, drugging, photographing dozens of women over 14 years

JustTheNews: A former U.S. diplomat has pleaded guilty to sexual abuse and photographing and recording dozens of nude and partially nude women without their consent during his 14-year career as a U.S. government employee.

The employee, Brian Jeffrey Raymond, 45, of La Mesa, Calif., also admitted to abusive sexual contact with numerous women, the Justice Department said Friday. 

Raymond was most recently employed by the federal government in the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico. He left the country after an adult woman was seen May 31, 2020 nude and screaming for help from his balcony. The woman reported she had no memory of events after consuming drinks and food provided by Raymond, the department said.

“Brian Raymond betrayed the trust granted to him as a U.S. government employee representing the United States abroad by engaging in years of predatory conduct sexually abusing, exploiting, and recording vulnerable women he targeted in the United States and around the world,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the department’s Criminal Division. more here

16 Comments on Former US diplomat pleads guilty to raping, drugging, photographing dozens of women over 14 years

  1. Sorry, might be wrong but was that not bush?
    trump -4 = 10
    bama -8 = 2
    bush the artist = 2nd term

    Maybe i’m wrong. Regardless, filet his dick and make him eat it.

  2. I find it difficult to believe that someone in his position would go undetected this long. There were certainly people who worked with him who were aware of his sick mind.

    I KNOW that Biden’s pedophilia is well-known in D.C. and has been for a while. Remember Jeff Sessions swatting his hand away from Session’s granddaughter and swiftly escorting her away from him?

  3. Kcir, we can’t lay this guy off on any President. These scum are picked by the Permanent Governing Class. And AA IS right. This guy’s behavior was an open secret among a certain subset, and they were cool with it, Some of them probably participated on occasion. The higher-ups in the PGC use these perversions as leverage. These people are out of control, no matter who is President

  4. Thirdtwin

    I agree 100% with you you & AA.

    I was only expressing that this one was not on Barky’s watch. God knows I Blame him for the point a which racial tensions around the world went parabolic and the Middle east was at peak shit show.


  5. On the other hand, he might have been doing this on behalf of the US government, and getting disavowed for getting sloppy and being arrested.
    The official .gov version is suspect until proven otherwise.

  6. Will he be held over for trial in Mexico? If he is, it could be a very long wait in jail for him. Mexico uses Napoleonic law system, as in no right to a speedy trial. Typically, a person accused of a crime is sent to Mexico City, where there is no bail. When & if they go to trial, there is not credit for time served while waiting.

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