Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead – IOTW Report

Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

December 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8.

According to Children’s Health Defense, Vaughan is reported to have died of “gallbladder complications,” although the source of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture). More

But! We also see this: Oct 19, 2018

The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan (Controlled Opp Training Film!)

Corrupt Vaccines

253 subscribers

Brandy Vaughan is a Merck employee. She pretends to oppose vaccines, but she works undercover for Merck. WATCH THIS VIDEO In the video, Brandy pretends that Merck broke into her home – to punish her for speaking-out against vaccines, but we now know, according to city officials, that the police had never been to Brandy’s house – which proves she is lying in the video!

WHY is Brandy lying? Brandy lies for two reasons: (1) so that you will worship her as a fearless warrior AND (2) to make you think Merck will break into YOUR home if YOU oppose pharma. After watching this video, you’ll understand how pharma controls your moovement!

h/t Brad.

19 Comments on Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

  1. We don’t live in the US anymore, boys. We now live in a dictatorship that just looks ‘pretty’. This kind of murder is something out of Putin’s playbook. Or hillary clintons’.

  2. …whatever politics goes on here, whatever is out there about what his mom was into, regardless of if this is another play by Democrats or Big Pharma or whoever, please take a minute to focus on this sentence.

    “…was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son”.

    …nine year olds aren’t typically into political intrigue. Nine year olds probably don’t have plot discussions with Mom. While a nine year old might be duped into “discovering” his Mom’s body, it’s very unlikely he was a party to the plan.

    Nine year olds aren’t ready to find their own mother dead just before Christmas.

    …I personally know of a 10 year old that found his father dead. It really isn’t something a child should have to deal with. No brain peeper will be able to erase a thing like that, and it’s a pretty damaging scar.

    I wouldn’t wish it on any child.

    Please take a minute to step away from the intrigue, the conspiracies, the manipulation and the politics to say a prayer for a young boy whos going to spend this and every Christmas mourning his mother.

    Dear Lord, touch this child, take him in Your loving arms, and send the Comforter to ease his pain and mute his sorrow. Please shield this child from those who would use him for political gain, cover him in Your Blood that evil will recoil from him, and give him the family to take him and raise him and love him so he can bury his mother in peace. I know nothing of this woman, if she is good or bad, a martyr or a sinner, but I know that it matters not because she has already been judged by You and has her reward, and so is no longer in need of our prayers. All I know of her is that she left behind a lost and confused child in the maw of the media, and that child should not have to deal with anything but his mothers love being so abruptly taken from him. Guard him and guide him, lead him to peace at Your side, and comfort all those that also mourn her this day, that they may dry their tears in its time and do what’s right for this child.

    And I ask it all in the merciful name ofJesus,


    God Bless,

  3. Have my own “Big Pharma” stories, but on the current playing field someone was offered overtime this weekend to administer Covid Vaccine and turned them down. Has taken the overtime for giving flu shots but wants nothing to do with the covid vaccine.

    Perhaps if it was being administered only to the politicians there could be a rethinking of the offer.

  4. “but we now know, according to city officials, that the police had never been to Brandy’s house – which proves she is lying in the video!”

    Because “City officials” are the gold standard of honesty and integrity.

  5. @ Supernightshade

    I just happened upon your post reply. I’ve been here for over a decade. Mostly a lurker but You’ve inspired a response. I understand this site doesn’t work like others and you might never see this unless you go back a few pages to see all the “thumbs up” you have. By that time, you and I will most likely be on to Thursday morning or perhaps afternoon, or evening.

    I’m going to write your prayer down in my own book.

    To keep it not only for posterity, but as well simply because it’s so beautifully written. It applies to not only the child you speak of, but for so many others that are victims of what would we might all call the darkness. It’s not their fault, and, if I could extend my hand, as a conduit from the Light, the All Mighty, to that child to not harbor that potential hate…

    Your prayer brings humility. Something I’ve been trying to exercise throughout this year. Thank you for this happenstance. As I read your words, I felt His hand on my shoulder. Godspeed.


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