Four Republicans aim at Trump, hit their country instead – IOTW Report

Four Republicans aim at Trump, hit their country instead

WaEx: This really has been the week for Republican senators sticking their thumbs in the eyes of President Trump but hurting the cause of good conservative governance far more than they hurt the obstreperous billionaire.

Four senators in particular have been obnoxiously obstructionist: two on judicial nominees and two on foreign policy.

I’ve written several times this week about how South Carolina’s Sen. Tim Scott and outgoing Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona have been blocking Trump’s judicial nominees. (I think that practical politics dictate that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should bow to Flake’s demands, but that doesn’t make Flake right: He is directly contradicting his own expressed conservative beliefs by blocking dozens of conservative would-be judges.)

What Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and retiring Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee are doing on other matters is almost as counterproductive.

Paul has been exercising a legislative “hold” that blocks passage of legislation codifying a long-term military aid program for Israel. The aid package was negotiated by former liberal President Barack Obama and conservative Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and it enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress.

Corker, like Flake an bitter critic of Trump who in effect was pushed out of office by the president, is working with disgraced Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., to curtail the power of Trump’s incoming director of the U.S. Agency for Global Media. The USAGM oversees the crucial Voice of America service that broadcasts American news abroad to counter foreign propaganda, along with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio y Television Marti, Radio Free Asia, and Middle East Broadcast Networks.  more here

6 Comments on Four Republicans aim at Trump, hit their country instead

  1. Republican ranks are crammed with Fifth Columnists and Mensheviks (Mensheviki?).

    Which, I suppose, is more better (gooder?) than the lock-stepped, goose-stepping minions of the Demonrats and their totalitarianism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Enemies within the government are the most dangerous.
    Many senators, representatives and every federal agency have key positions filled through patronage, most of which are covered by unions and the Civil Service Commission.

    A Captain has difficulty steering the ship when many who are to row the ship are paddling in the opposite direction and spreading dissention in and out of their chain of command.

  3. Why should this come as a surprise to anyone? The left never leave in doubt their intent from the beginning. The Republcan’t will, more often than not, stab you in the back. Nothing has changed, we are continually betrayed by our party in congress. And what I feel is really ironic is how few assholes screw everybody else.


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