Fowl Play: Romanian MP arrested trading votes for fried chicken – IOTW Report

Fowl Play: Romanian MP arrested trading votes for fried chicken

NewEurope: A Bucharest court upheld a two year sentence for a Romanian MP on corruption charges; the court of appeal sustained that offering his voters fried chicken was indeed bribery.


Mmmm dat chicken tho’…

Exchanging food for votes in rural areas in not unheard of in Romania; it is usually flour and oil. Florian Popescu went the extra mile.

During the 2012 Romanian legislative elections, candidate Florin Popescu distributed no less than 60 tons of fried chicken worth €108,000.  more

SNIP: But how good was that chicken? Because if it was tasty, I say they should only lightly bread and sentence him 5 to10 minutes on medium heat.

11 Comments on Fowl Play: Romanian MP arrested trading votes for fried chicken

  1. East St Louis, Illinois was (and probably still is) giving voters filled in ballots on the street corner to take to the polls. The voter would drop the completed ballot in the ballot box after they received an empty ballot from the election judges. The empty ballot was taken to their precinct committeeman in trade for a bucket of KFC. The blank ballot would then be filled out for the next voter. Everybody went through their precinct committeeman to get his/her chicken.

    I never heard of any precinct committeeman arrested or harassed, it was normal operating procedure for the democrat party in East St. Louis.

    They never gave 60 tons away, for sure, but with 85 % to 95% voting democrat, they always had a good turnout.

  2. I like Popeye’s fried chicken. I would have expected this kind of behavior to come from the likes of Obama, Sharpton or Jessee. Maybe throw in some watermelon for that extra vote.

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