FOX cancels Steyer ‘Impeach Trump’ ad – IOTW Report

FOX cancels Steyer ‘Impeach Trump’ ad

American Thinker: Fox News canceled an ad by Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer that called for the impeachment of Donald Trump, citing negative viewer reaction to the ad.

The Hill:

“Due to the strong negative reaction to their ad by our viewers, we could not in good conscience take their money,” Fox News told Stelter.

Steyer said Friday in a statement that Fox News informed him on Oct. 31 that it was refusing to air the ad entitled “Join Us.”

Steyer said the decision “shows no respect for democracy.”

Steyer launched his $10 million “Need to Impeach” ad campaign in late October, drawing the ire of Trump, who called Steyer “wacky & totally unhinged.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday downplayed the idea that Democrats will seek to impeach Trump if they take back the House in next year’s midterm elections.

She suggested Democrats will allow the various investigations of Trump to play out in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”

“I believe that whatever we do, we have responsibility first and foremost to unify the nation,” she said. “Second of all, you can’t go down any path without the facts and the law. If that’s there, perhaps it will come out in these investigations.”

Democrats like Steyer and Rep. Maxine Waters who have been beating the drums to start impeachment proceedings against Trump appear to have forgotten one vital ingredient to successfully remove the president.

We call it “evidence.”   more here

9 Comments on FOX cancels Steyer ‘Impeach Trump’ ad

  1. Steyer said the decision “shows no respect for democracy.”

    And threatening to unseat a duly, lawfully, Constitutionally ELECTED President of the United States, is Democratic?

    Maybe if you’re from North Korea, you snotty, entitled, asshole.

    Now, if Hillary had been elected, we would have all kinds of grounds for impeachment, right off the bat…but thank the powers that be, that nightmare scenario did NOT come to pass.

  2. This commie-infested nation is stroking on outrage porn from amoral agitation propagandists. It’s made to detonate the fringe lunatics and is working perfectly. Every one of the vermin should be thrown into a volcano.

  3. That FIX even accepted the ad in the first place, is why I NEVER watch FOX anymore. They are as dead as the NFL , to me. First last straw was Shep Smith. Second last straw was that EVERYTHING is NOT a ‘News Alert’! Last straw, Megan she-thought-she-was-‘it’ Kelly.

    I could tolerate ‘fair and balanced’ reporting,, to include Juan Williams, Geraldo, and Bob Beckett. Their views were very important to get the other side of the story, but some of their ignorance was very hard to tolerate. Beckett was just obnoxious.

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