Fox News and Jeb Bush Endorse Ron DeSantis 2024 – IOTW Report

Fox News and Jeb Bush Endorse Ron DeSantis 2024

That’s an anchor not a buoy.

CTH: Fox News is running an hour-long campaign infomercial to support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis winning the 2024 GOP primary nomination.  Inside the political messaging, Jeb Bush gives his full-throated endorsement.

129 Comments on Fox News and Jeb Bush Endorse Ron DeSantis 2024

  1. Are we using the liberal & MSM standard that if someone we distrust likes who is best for us we no longer want him?
    If so, let me off of this carnival ride.

    Seriously, I don’t give a fuck who likes DeSantis.
    I do and that’s what matters to me.

    They tried this bullshit tactic with Trump and our side cried foul.
    Now we are gonna do the same?
    If so, we deserve to lose because we are too stupid not to be duped by leftist tactics.

  2. Yes yes yes.
    Just like tarring Trump with the “fine people” hoax we must find some sinister meaning with Jeb Bush liking DeSantis.
    Only dummies and Brad, (redundant) fall for this shit.

    BTW, Jeb helped keep AlGore out of the White House, no matter what you think of him now.

  3. One more comment then I’m done on this thread.
    Jeb & Fox like Ron DeSantis.

    I’ll tell you who absolutely HATES Ron DeSantis.
    The democrats
    The MSM
    Drag Queens
    Defund the police
    Teacher’s unions
    Illegal aliens
    Big tech
    The Clintons
    Gavin Newsom
    Stacy Abrams
    Cuomo crime family
    biden* crime family

    They not only hate him, they FEAR him.
    Kind of sums it up doesn’t it?
    Choose your side wisely…

  4. At this point I think it is fair to discuss possibilities now that we know the top candidate is brain dead…just think of the leadership and building back better Fedderman could have led us to…

  5. I have said many times the last 10 years Murdocks are leftists! 16 years ago when “Bush Republicans” were pushing RomneyCare and Reagan Republicans said “real Americans do not want RomneyCare” and worked to put it on the ballot in KS; Rove and Co. said Americans want RomneyCare and Fox fabricated/contrived a poll showing 90% wanted Romneycare.
    I said then – THE ONLY WAY LIBERAL MURDOCKS’S POLL IS RIGHT IS IF THEY ONLY POLLED ROVE AND BUSH CLAN! 2 years later real Americans voted in Ks. 75%, 3 our of 4, were AGAINST ROMNEYCARE!

    Murdocks were not here in ’64; but I am sure had they been here they would have joined Nixon and Bush and backed LBJ!

    My gym has 14 TVs. They have Fox and CNN side by side TWICE. I THINK INTENTIONAL. THEY ARE TWINS. Yesterday they were the only “News” covering Hunter’s partner “Z” over andover again. Others had it once an hour.

    I said here about 6 weeks ago I feared deS would capitulate to Disney.
    Some conservative sites are saying Ron did not do what he vowed to do.

    I believe Ron in fact capitulated for a different reason. DISNEY has a very good, well paid, team of lawyers. Had Ron actually striped them of their tax break DISNEY would be in many courts with many suits! DISNEY HAS NOT FILED ONE SUIT! They won, Ron reneged!
    JEB! has baked: Clinton, Joe and just last year CHARLIE!

    For those not political junkies – I am – Charlie is the “Proud Bush Republican”- 2006- that lost a primary and became an honest Bush Republican aka DEMOCRAT. The irony here – AND IT IS REALLY BAD – is that Charlie lost – with Jeb’s endorsement – TO RON ONLY 4 MONTHS AGO!

    There has not been a BUSH WITH MORALS for over 100 years. Jeb is not an !; he is a BUSH*&?#?$@!

  6. Sundance reminds me of the kid in Sunday School who keeps his eyes open during prayer time so he can tattle on all the kids who keep their eyes open during prayer time.

    Should people reject Trump because that war-mongering prat Lindsey Graham endorses him? Is that the litmus test we want to impose?

    If we expect the nominee to be someone who is ONLY supported by people who are completely 100% ideologically aligned, then the Democrat will sail into the White House in 2024.

  7. We the electorate have got to get over this cult of personality type voting ( if voting ever counts again ) and force all candidates to explicitly detail the planks of their platform and hold them to it or get rid of them. The gov needs to run like a business, not some club full of the popular kids. Kee-rist.

  8. This doesn’t change my plans; if Trump is nominee I will gladly vote for him, if it’s Desantis I might bote for him, if it is someone else I will stay home for the first time in my life.

    I will mo longer reward the GOP’s slide towards evil by voting for the “lessor” of two evils.

  9. Sadly, we will be bombarded with fascist propaganda for the next year or so.
    Personally, I don’t GAF what CHEB! likes or doesn’t like. I don’t GAF what Fox likes or doesn’t like.
    It’d be nice to gather some FACTS. How did that tax thing for Disney work out? That racist CRT bullshit in public schools? ANTIFA, BLM, and other SD/SS/Nazi/Storm Troopers/Brown Shirts/Black Shirts?
    So much shit being thrown about, it’s almost like trying to pick the undigested scratch grain out of the Goose Shit.
    If our Fourth Estate wasn’t a Fifth Column and did their jobs as reporters, investigative journalists, whatever – we could glean some facts … but … alas … if grandma had balls she’d be grandpa.

    Somebody once said that truth was the first casualty of war (attributed to Aeschylus, if memory serves) and, if that is, indeed the case, then we are not only AT WAR but HAVE BEEN AT WAR FOR A GENERATION OR MORE!

    We are drowning in a sea of mendacity – and a Republic cannot function through lies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The debt I owe the man who got more legitimate votes in a Presidential election demands my loyalty. He isn’t perfect, but considering what was done to him by the establishment Republicans, the Deep State and the Democrats and their partners in the corporate world….

    As for anything Bush, it’s anathema to me at this juncture. There isn’t a Goddamned one of them I would piss down the throat if their stomach were on fire.

  11. Jeb is a sore loser and always will be so. Why should we as voters listen to or take advice from such a pathetic POS loser. Go away Jeb and the rest of the bushies and RINO’s, we don’t and won’t listen to you or pay attention to you anymore.

  12. Trump in my book has two things majorly wrong with him. I did not know this of him, but I supported him financially and I voted for him – twice. Four years later, he gave us the jab and embarrassed homosexuality publicly. You can’t be a Christian and embrace sin – a sin that’s an abomination and blasphemy against God. I did not declare this, God did. So, call people whatever you like who no longer support Trump, nothing sticks to me.

  13. “embarrassed homosexuality publicly.”

    He embarrassed his supporters and he embraced faggotry. Some aren’t put off by his faggotry — that’s where their heart is. They fall into the same group God abhors.

  14. Frankly, to actually repair the Damage in the US you need 4 years of Trump, Followed by 8 years of a DeSantis Type. (12 years-Good Luck)

    Assuming that you could even have a Legit Election WITHOUT Big Tech Interference, Deep State & WEF/UN/Globalists.

  15. i still want to know what was on that note laura showed to jeb at ghwb’s funeral
    he went from a fuck you old man smirk i’m so glad that bitch is gone, to being petrified

    as long as there are election network back doors, algorithms to give vote percentages, internet connections, etc. there will be massive election fraud along with the tried and true ballot box stuffing, and now we know about the phony property sales for laundering thousands & thousands of dollars for the criminal candidate of their choice who want 87K new irs agents to audit your $600 transaction

  16. FOX NEWS Sunday w/Shannon Bream just showed their Viewer Poll on TV at 9:30 am:
    It flashed by so fast I could not remember the numbers.

    Trump was Massively ahead of DeSantis with Pence & Haley Very Far back. I could not find the same poll on the INTERNET.

    Best I can remember:
    Trump- somewhere near 40% ish
    DeSantis – Near 30% ish
    Haley – right next to Pence
    Fuck Mike Pence – at 7% exactly- that was what I actually Focused on.

    So Good Job IDIOTS at FOX! Go against Conservatives natural desires & Opinions as usual.

  17. So the latest poll shows Trump ahead of a guy that has not even declared yet, I’m sure that same poll would have him ahead of me, loco, or brad………also folks that have not declared.

    And I thought the one thing we all agreed on was that nobody here gives a rat’s ass about Foxnews or for that matter any of the Bush’s. How does this dopey thread delinate the lines already drawn?

  18. RINO’s endorse Rino’s.
    How do the entire economy go to shit?
    Because that was their plan all along.
    We would have been here long ago, if their plans hadn’t been interrupted for 4 years.
    That interruption was TRUMP.
    Trump’s downfall was trusting people he thought were on his side, who we now know were not.
    Did you know, 2017 congress had “no” bills to advance because all of the myriad of bills and briefs written were not in line with President Trump policy.
    I think DeSantis has been groomed to this point, either to win or split the vote.

    ht tps://

  19. Rich
    I don’t think anybody that can think gives a rats ass about FOX. The problem is there’s a bazillion old ladies that get up in the morning, turn on FOX news and watch it until they go to bed. And they vote.
    In the long run FOX just endorsed who ever the Dems decide to install.

  20. So if DeSantis runs he’s just like Nikki Haley.
    They both said they wouldn’t run in ’24 but here they are.
    DeSantis said he would finish out his term as Governor and Haley said she’d support Trump.
    The promise from the swamp of all that campaign cash must be mighty tempting!

  21. @beachmom

    Here is the difference between the two; Haley said she would not run but changed her mind and Trump said ,”She must follow her heart”, RDS said he would not run because he is too busy kicking woke ass and killing CRT in our schools, and he still has NOT declared, yet Trump calls him a no good disloyal traitor………see the difference?

  22. RDS asked for Trumps endorsement. Trump gave it. RDS said he would never run against Trump. He said as far as he was concerned Trump had unfinished business. If I was Trump I would feel betrayed. Also we don’t know what was discussed privately. To bad. They probably would have made a good team

  23. In the “class” game, RDS is winning. He has not tagged Trump with any cutesy derogatory nicknames or go gutter-ball by claiming Trump is a groomer of little girls. But If I was advising RDS and he does enter, I would advise him to go scorched earth wrt Trump’s abysmal record of sexual predation, 26 women (so far)have made claims against him.

    Trump voted for RDS and vice versa, they are even. And do we really know what promises who made to who behind closed doors?

  24. Rich Taylor

    Trump had the best foreign and domestic policies of any president we’ve ever had. By far. In my opinion of course. I don’t care about your beauty or civility contest or how rude Trump is. I’ll vote for the guy I think can do the most good for our country. And that’s DJT all day long. I don’t want to have a beer with him, I don’t want to be his pal. I just want him to fix shit.
    Most conservatives give the man a lot of credit for accomplishing a lot. All the while being fought tooth and nail by not only the Libtards but by his party too.

  25. The mistake has been for decades, voting for the most popular candidate.
    We should be voting for the least favorite, the most hated candidate, because they are on the fewest payoffs.
    That only leaves one true candidate for president.
    The winner in 2016 & 2020.

  26. Brad

    I agree with everything you typed above, the world is a much better place because he was POTUS.

    Now, I know you don’t care about his “beauty or civility contest” but 10’s of millions of other women do, and they decide who wins elections, so in this area, he is vulnerable.

    And those on our side that doesn’t think he is also vulnerable in areas like the border, Afghanistan, the Ukraine War, and our entitlement-crushing fiscal solvency need their head examined.

  27. When Mar-a-Lago was raided, DeSantis cried foul.
    He had no power to do anything about it but he had Trump’s back.
    Trump endorsed Ron and Ron won Florida, twice.
    Ron endorsed Trump and Trump won Florida, twice.
    Seems they are even.

    Can people stop lying about “DeSantis said he wouldn’t run or oppose Trump.”
    He NEVER said such a thing.

  28. I hope some of you had the balls to tell Sundance what you thought of his article over at CTH. LOL

    I just thought it was hilarious JEB! thought anyone gave a shit what he thought.
    And FOX with AZ goes to Biden 10 minutes into the election. Come on.
    Oh but they fired the guy!… And then hired him back. pfft.

    In my case, I like Trump, but DeSantis a little less.
    I have problems with both. [ol exJarhead gave a good example]

    That said, this is all a waste of time if there are machines doing the counting.

  29. So, I used to live in Orlando and you used to live in Vegas?
    Florida executed some douchebag the other day and his last words were to bash DeSantis.
    The MSM gleefully used a murderer’s final words to bash DeSantis aas well.
    Methinks he’s doing a whole lot right.
    8 years with him in the White House may save this country.

  30. Guys, the second an R gets nominated, no matter who it is, he/she is going to get trashed by R and L media.

    My point is, your state should be removing machines and talking about the removal of machines. A win, does not guarantee you won fairly. Get it?

    Even BUSH cheated.

  31. And I asked you for an example of his baggage and you pulled Fauci out of some dark smelly place. You were under the impression Trump appointed him. I had to show you how wrong you were. You’re chasing your tail.

  32. MJA, Trump won Florida last time by 3 or 4 points.
    I agree, but the main states in play will be AZ, NV, WI, MI, PA, GA, & NC.
    Perhaps a couple others.
    I have no faith in AZ or NV to ever go back to red. The cheating is so baked in, it’s insurmountable.

  33. Brad, if you cannot at least admit that Trump has baggage you lose ALL credibility.
    It’s quite all right to acknowledge he has a sordid history or mistakes, lies, problems, etc.
    I don’t GAF about his past but to say he doesn’t have one is ridiculous.
    I just want him to focus on the big picture, stay away from petty bullshit and get things done.

  34. There’s only one endorsement right now that will convince me to vote for Ron DeSantis for President, the endorsement of Donald Trump.

    Once Donald Trump vows to never run for president again will I consider any other Republican for nominee to be president, not until that time.

  35. Not really. I’m pretty sure there are more in the Trump camp here than in the DeSantes camp. Desantes is still an unknown. And running a state is much easier than being President.

  36. Dr. Tar

    There’s a possibility he won’t be able to run. The Communists are scared to death of him and are working hard to fabricate a crime. I no longer trust our judicial system.

  37. DeSantis may not run in 2024.
    I doubt he will.
    He has three young children and wife who just beat cancer.
    He is governor of the best state in the Union.
    A powerful voice, and he has plenty more to do to secure Florida for decades to come.
    He would finish his governor term in Jan 2027.
    Perfectly timed to run for president in 2028.
    His kids would be older and able to understand why idiots like Brad are afraid of him and attack him with outright lies.

    If Trump becomes president in 2024 his VP may be some schlub like Pence, who has no chance in 2028.
    If Trump doesn’t get in, the dems should be easy to beat as cheating may have been countered by the GOP using the same tactics.

  38. I doubt if the country will survive until 2028. I’m having serious doubt if we will make it to 2024.
    There’s another serious contender that hasn’t jumped in yet. And that’s Mike Pompeo. The guys pretty damn sharp. But again, where are his allegiances? He graduated first in his class from West Point. He’s not stupid.

  39. “DeSantis may not run in 2024.
    I doubt he will.”

    I don’t know, it going to be awfully hard to resist when faced with a continual barrage of support, playing on your patriotism and duty.

    No doubt he is very pleased with his results as governor and the whole world is paying attention. How easy it would be for that little voice in his head to whisper,”Look around, man, look at what that old fool has done to the country you risked your life for. Look at just 2 years of decay and destruction those people have wrought. You don’t really think you can stand idly by and watch the country that your kids must live in, to watch that country get destroyed. Get up soldier, your honor demands your attention front and center. The country needs your leadership if we have any hopes at all to survive”.

    Do you really think he is going to say “NO” to that?

  40. Rich, I do agree if Trump stumbles, DeSantis would likely have to jump in.
    As for Pompeo?
    I expect him to gain back the weight he lost on his current book tour.
    Fact is, most of the country doesn’t know who he is.
    Smart but uninteresting and doesn’t have the gumption of Trump or DeSantis to take on the woke & MSM.
    Polling at 3%, a fraction of Trump & DeSantis.

  41. “Polling at 3%, a fraction of Trump & DeSantis.”

    That can flip after one debate. Looking at polling data right now is stupid. In fact looking at polling data at all is stupid. They’ve perverted that too.

  42. Brad, I agree that polls do suck but my point was that he is unknown, his positions are unknown and he is more interested in book sales.
    I read that his PAC bought a bunch of his book just to get him on the best seller list.

    I don’t hate the dude, just being realistic.

  43. The Media/Dems will destroy DeSantis with their old LYING “baggage” playbook. They’ll march out the “raped” women, the “DeSantis is a racist” BS, DeSantis taxes, blah, blah, blah.
    It’s all been played out with Trump. They cannot do it again and make it work against him.
    Trump is now TEFLON to their obvious LIES and the ONLY candidate with a REMOTE chance of overcoming the election corruption that Trump, himself, EXPOSED is TRUMP. NOBODY ELSE.
    The media is PUSHING DeSantis (like they did Trump but it backfired on them) so they can tear him down in the General election.

    And the PRO DeSantis crowd is being played to complete the Left’s plan to keep Trump out of the White House.

    The WINNING STRATEGY is #Trump2024 and ONLY #Trump2024. They are dividing and conquering us with DeSantis.

    aircubed posted best:
    2016 and 2020 taught me everything I need to know about future elections.
    2016: You must beat the margin of fraud.
    2020: You can’t beat the margin of fraud. 74,222,960 Million votes for a SITTING PRESIDENT. The MOST EVER. 10 million more than Obama.

  44. “The Media/Dems will destroy DeSantis with their old LYING “baggage” playbook. They’ll march out the “raped” women,”

    The thing that people don’t realize is the Communists are using DeSantis to combat Trumps run right now. Trump obviously sees this and I’m sure DeSantis participation in this pisses him off. If DeSantes did get the nod these same people would come after him just as hard as the did Trump. We know Trump can handle the pressure. DeSantis? Not so sure.

  45. It’s NOT only the MSM & dems lying about DeSantis, it’s TRUMP lying about DeSantis.
    Trump is NOW FAKE NEWS.
    The man has no integrity whatsoever and he’s messing with a powder keg.
    Like I said, a Venn Diagram of Trump & DeSantis supporters is damn near a solid circle.
    Trump needs to tread lightly.
    The playbook will not work on a beloved governor.
    Ted Cruz, McCain, Jeb, Rubio didn’t have a fraction of the support that RDS has.
    Tread lightly Donny…

  46. Admittedly this is all an exercise in futility, mental masturbation, given that we have not even entered the first inning of the contest but to think that DJT is TEFLON and can’t be hurt because it’s all out there, this is just insane.

    26 women have already come forward with allegations of sexual abuse, you don’t think the opposition can find 26 more?

    Brad alluded to criminal charges coming down the pike. There are over 2 dozen active legal actions involving Trump on going, everything from sexual misconduct, insurrection, financial impropriety, election interference, and other (Capitol Police, Col. Vindman, and Michael Cohen) all bring different levels of vulnerability and exposure.

    And this is just the shit we know about, and none of this precludes further revelations of wrongdoing (even manufactured) from surfacing in the near future. To think that is all out there, that nothing else can hurt him, is delusional.

  47. If it wasn’t for Donald J. Trump, there would be no Ron DeSantis. Where’s the loyalty?
    There lies the problem right there. No loyalty. No appreciation.

    Trump got MORE VOTES than ANY SITTING PRESIDENT in the HISTORY of the United States. Why would you go with an unknown, nationally untested candidate? The media’s brainwashing works on the easily swayed.

    “There are over 2 dozen active legal actions involving Trump on going, everything from sexual misconduct, insurrection, financial impropriety, election interference, and other (Capitol Police, Col. Vindman, and Michael Cohen) all bring different levels of vulnerability and exposure.”

    ALL BULLSHIT that the Left/Media has drummed up and Trump is STILL STANDING. They are going to do the same thing to DeSantis and it’s going to work because he’s a new human being to use the same old playbook. That old shit won’t work on Trump. Stick with the war-horse! Your only chance.

    As a true Conservative/Republican – Trump deserves the respect and support. DeSantis can easily turn into a Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and the countless other DISSAPOINTING “Republicans” out there.
    They all talked a big game, got our support and then turned to shit.
    I TRUST TRUMP and ONLY TRUMP. TRUMP IS THE MOST FEARED Republican candidate, and the Media is doing a fine job of brainwashing Repubs into splitting their loyalty/vote.
    Remember the Ted Cruz vs. Trump? Remember all the bullshit that Trump would put his sister on the Supreme Court? Trump is a Liberal?
    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  48. I would remind everyone that DJT has NEVER won an election where he got more votes than his opponent. RDS has, 4 times, twice in The House and 2 times as governor.

    But I do have a question; for those that don’t embrace the “Trump 2024 or bust” mentality and would like the process to play out, for each man to enter the arena and battle it out, does this mean the non-embracer is “easily swayed” by media propaganda, that he is weak, disloyal, and not a real conservative, a pure-blood conservative, that he is a RINO, nor informed or dedicated or even deserving of a place at the table?

  49. Best REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT in DECADES. Exposed the deep state. Exposed the corrupt media. Exposed lying Democrats.
    Hardest working President in the history of the United States.
    Where’s the loyalty? Where’s the team dedication?

    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  50. So let me get this right mr_pinko, DeSantis is being disloyal by running against him, even though DeSantis hasn’t declared yet?

    Everyone knows that Trump will cut your throat in a heart beat so the loyalty canard is ridiculous.
    Fact is, RDS helped fortify Florida voting so that Trump could at least count on Florida in an election.
    RDS defended Trump during the Mar-a-Lago raid.
    RDS knows that Trump is far too volatile to trust implicitly.

  51. “It seems many here believe all eggs belong in one lone basket…”. Speaking of one lone basket, how does the noted slimeball Kevin McCarthy get off giving exclusive rights and access to the 41,000 hours of J6 tapes to Tucker Carlson. Granted Carlson will likely do a good job of evaluating and releasing pertinent information and video, but how do we know if it’s complete? If Tucker has exclusive rights to this it’s up to him to decide what is important. And what about Kevin McCarthy? Who in he hell is he to decide who has exclusive rights to it. That should be the property of US citizens and taxpayers.

  52. “Exposed the deep state.”

    Hmmmmm, is “exposed” another word for “endorsed”? Trump endorsed Ronna, McConnell, and McCarthy, you can’t get more Deep Statey than those characters.

  53. @Rich Taylor – “…I would remind everyone that DJT has NEVER won an election where he got more votes than his opponent. RDS has, 4 times, twice in The House and 2 times as governor…”

    You’re sort of comparing apples to oranges here. RDS won his elections in a single heavily republican state, whereas DJT won his race in a basically 50/50 split National election – as a rookie political candidate against political heavyweight, to boot. A lot harder to do the latter, than it is the former.

  54. joe6, the MSM is only interested in the tapes since KM gave them to Tucker.
    Drunken Nancy could have given them to CNN & MSNBC.
    They didn’t want them, they supported the narrative.
    Tucker’s producers will filter through it all and post the ones that indict the Jan 6 witch-hunters.
    He already did a Jan 6 special on T-C Originals.

  55. stirrin, Florida has BECOME more republican since covid and an effort to register new voters.
    Prior to that it was majority dem registered.
    Florida voted for obama twice and don’t forget the 2000 election.
    Trump won by 3.4 points in 2020, DeSantis won by 19.4 points in 2022.

  56. “whereas DJT won his race in a basically 50/50 split National election”

    But that’s the whole point, he didn’t win, not by the conventional method of getting more votes than his opponent. It was a handful of votes here and there that minimally put him over the top in 4 different states. I’m not complaining mind you, Hillary as president is just too painful to contemplate. but if one sign of a “winner” is that he is more popular (and garners more votes) than his opponent then RDS has the edge in this category.

    I’ll take the tie.

  57. “…But that’s the whole point, he didn’t win, not by the conventional method of getting more votes than his opponent. It was a handful of votes here and there that minimally put him over the top in 4 different states….”

    Which is the argument supporting the Electoral College. Otherwise you have two wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for dinner.

  58. ^^^^^ Yep, that is the system in place. But even though it has happened before, it had never happened to this degree, getting 2.9 million fewer votes and still winning. Quite remarkable when you think about it.

  59. Rich, you almost seem to be taking the position that we should do away with the Electoral College. I can’t imagine that’s what you believe, but it hard to say. With all the voter fraud that appears to be ingrained in our elections who’s to say what is an accurate count in the first place.

  60. “Mark Levin is one of those “easily swayed” by media propaganda, ”
    Mark Levins a piece of shit. Correction, a weak POS. He was Trumps biggest hater until he lost damn near hi entire audience. Then poof, I loves Trump. Fuck that guy.
    Rainy day. been catching up on work type shit all day long. Levin’s playing in the background. I don’t know how any one can stand listening to that fucking nasally voice of DeSantis. I swear. It’s like nails on a chalk board.

  61. @Joe6pack

    Not at all. The founders were head and shoulders smarter than myself, if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me.

    But it does highlight the need for fair and honest elections. In 2016 Trump one by 107,000 votes in 3 key states (Mich, Wis, PA).

  62. Everyone potentially running against Trump is a Bureaucrat. Even worse most of them are sticking lawyers. They have no clue about fiscal policy that will benefit our country. They’ve never created one damn job, never signed one damn pay check, never bet the farm with their own money.
    Once again, Trumps the only viable candidate.
    Before Rich and Loco, our resident traditional GOP members, rebutt, Trump’s policies were interrupted every way conceivable by people that hate us. Including COVID, So I’m firmly planted in the 2024Trump Revenge Tour.

  63. SMART Republicans with some sort of LOYALTY.
    “With Trump running, nearly all Republican Senators say no to a presidential bid.”

    Rick Scott of Florida, Josh Hawley of Missouri, Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Joni Ernst of Iowa — are also bowing out or sitting on the sidelines.”

    “President Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party and uniquely positioned to defeat Joe Biden, so it only makes sense that so many Senators are backing his campaign rather than running themselves,” Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said. “We expect the impressive list of senators endorsing President Trump to grow in the coming weeks and we’re thankful for their support.”

    If the Republican party was smart, they would UNITE and let Trump get nominated un-opposed. That would make Dems, Left, Media shit in their collective pants.

    The only people that will throw their hats in the ring are SELFISH OPPORTUNISTS that would inadvertently help the enemy.

    If DeSantis was SMART he would UNITE behind Trump and WIN 2028.

  64. “America is freedom & choices, let the American people decide who they want for President.”

    That’s the illusion.

    Who believes an old, senile, stuttering, stumbling, bumbling fool, who sat in his basement, while the President of the United States did RECORD CAMPAIGNING in the number of rallies, and the number of supporters, BEAT a President who RECEIVED 10 MILLION more votes than OBAMA? MORE VOTES than ANY SITTING President in the HISTORY of the United States.
    And now a Governor from Florida, who Trump SUPPORTED to get him over the finish line (DeSantis was losing until Trump got behind him) is now the REPUBLICAN DARLING (ACCORDING to the LYING MEDIA)?
    Media trying to convince DeSantis he’s the guy. I hope he’s smarter than the media and let’s Trump run.
    Where’s your APPRECIATION? Where is your LOYALTY?
    This is why Dem’s win. You get brainwashed by the MEDIA.
    TRUMP 2024 or BUST!

  65. Republicans used to be the “next in line” party with Dole, McCain, Romney, etc.
    DeSantis does not fit into that category whatsoever.

    If he decides to get in that is his decision and shouldn’t be based on loyalty.
    I tell you one thing, with Trump spreading bullshit about him I wouldn’t blame RDS for giving Trump what he’s asking for.

  66. The only one that has a chance to beat the Dem, deep state machine is President Donald J. Trump.
    Desantis will get destroyed by the media.

    #Trump2024 to Save America. The odds are against Republicans from the start. Trump beat the odds in 2016. Dems/Media had to cheat to beat him in 2020.
    U.s. is now in the shitter and the only one that can shine a light on the accomplishments of 2016-2020 is Trump.
    2024 is the revenge WIN for Trump and America!
    DeSantis will have his chance after Trump fixes what the installed President did to the Trump accomplishments.
    What’s with the Trump hate?

  67. Mr_pinko, I have said many times here that 4 Trump years followed by 8 DeSantis is what the country needs.
    (I don’t know if that is possible though)
    Otherwise what’s the endgame after 4 more years of Trump?
    It seems some people on these boards would rather destroy DeSantis no matter what.

  68. Trump runs – he deserves the respect to support him after all he sacrificed for this country.
    #Trump 2024 – one of the greatest Presidents the U.S. has ever had.
    DeSantis should be supporting Trump.
    Why the division?


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