Fox News’ Ed Henry’s explicit text messages were just released by woman accusing him of sexual assault – IOTW Report

Fox News’ Ed Henry’s explicit text messages were just released by woman accusing him of sexual assault

These text messages do not help Ed’s case, but why are most of her responses and comments omitted?

18 Comments on Fox News’ Ed Henry’s explicit text messages were just released by woman accusing him of sexual assault

  1. The long term loser in all these #MeToo false accusations will be the Libtard women. Teens, college, professional women, all will lose when men will learn (eventually) to resist talking to, communicating with, dating, and being alone with women.
    No contact? No provable accusations. Libtard women, have fun living your lonely life with your herd of cats (who will eat you as soon as you are dead).
    The human species will continue, but girls/women will have to prove themselves as willing to be equal co-partners to the prospective men. Not subservient, not superior, but equal.

  2. The “elites” certainly engage in mating rituals and behavior that does not impress me as being fulfilling long term, much less spiritually or emotionally healthy to begin with. But to each his own I guess.

  3. My guess? She took money from the liberals because she needs a nose job. Quite a honker ya got there, honey. Better talk to Kamala and find out who did hers – might be a blue light special going on.

  4. She sure continued to have a lot of contact with the guy she claims sexually assaulted her after the fact.

    Or, she tried to sleep her way to the top before she realized she was just fuckmeating her way to the middle.

    Bwahaha. Walk it off, sister.

  5. He’s a pervert there’s no doubt, he cheated on his wife so he’s a loser too.

    But does Jennifer understand that text messages save both ways? He can easily release her responses… which I am going to guess are consensual and encouraging. 🤢

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