Fox News: John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine Injuries – IOTW Report

Fox News: John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine Injuries

How many people trusted the vaccine misinformation spread by Fox News? One tweet shows you the number: too many.

Emerald Robinson:

Two months ago, I helped to publicize the story (375,000 page views and counting!) that Fox News took money from the Biden regime to push COVID vaccine propaganda on their network relentlessly. Fox News (like almost all the other corporate media outlets) did not reveal this crucial fact to its audience — an astonishing breach of journalistic ethics that should never be forgiven or forgotten.

I wrote at the time that Fox News was also coercing its own employees into getting vaccinated even though the vast majority were working from home:

Meanwhile, Fox News executive are continuing to enforce vaccine mandates with their own employees — even though the mandates have been halted by the courts. Fox is even offering $500 to any employee, right now, who proves they got the jab.

We have just lived through the most extensive propaganda campaign in the history of the world, and it was paid for with taxpayer dollars. You paid for it. I paid for it. We will probably never know how much money was spent because, according to a source familiar with the FOIAs, the Biden Administration won’t release the amounts under their “trade secrets” exemption.

I’ve been telling people for the last two years that, when the truth comes out about the deadly COVID vaccines, it will topple the American corporate media.

In the back of my mind, for the last eight weeks, I kept wondering when the reckoning would come for Fox News. How long would it take for a prominent employee to be injured by the COVID vaccines? And who would dare to publicly disclose that injury in the face of Fox News’ ongoing campaign to push Big Pharma’s diabolical shots?

And the answer is: John Roberts. MORE

12 Comments on Fox News: John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine Injuries

  1. I had a TIA two months after my second jab. A few months after that I had a very rare melanoma inside my spinal cord squeezing the shit out of the nerve fibers. Both of these were too much of a coincidence.

  2. Of course they’re all getting paid.
    Plus, when someone advertises as much as the bidum admin has, there’s no negative news stories.
    That is how it works at TV.

  3. I like John Roberts (as far as reporters go), however, it isn’t as if he was unaware of the faux narrative. He played along. Recall in the WH press room he pulled his fake mask off after he thought the mics were cut and even commented abt the ridiculousness.

    If you’re in on the scam, you’re subject to become a part of the narrative, ie a victim of the hoax you help perpetuate.

  4. **…over 4,000 people who follow the ex-White House correspondent actually commented on his post…**

    The libwits will call these comments and episodes anecdotal and say they mean nothing. If we weren’t so fucking stupid we’d know that.

  5. Not sympathetic. He heard the horror stories, too late to ask about injuries. You’re working for the company that helped with the delusion. Now what’s left of your life, is always worrying if it’s your last day on earth. All in the name of flattening the curve. Get thd jab meet the slab.

  6. Big pharma was selling covid 19 test kits around the world in 2017. Everything about this scandemic has been carefully planned and implemented over many years. The skeptical ones, myself included, did the research and declined the shit shots, along with defying the mask, distancing, and lockdown bs. The bioengineered virus and the “safe and effective” (non)vaccine have had, and will continue to have, the exact effects intended by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the WEF. They have destroyed the world’s economy and the slow rolling death toll will continue to mount from a large variety of vaccine caused diseases and conditions. All of this is designed to induce despair in people and condition them to ultimately accept surrender and complete servitude to the one-world government desired by the WEF/Davos cabal.


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