FOX News Moves to Dismiss Smartmatic Lawsuit – IOTW Report

FOX News Moves to Dismiss Smartmatic Lawsuit


“Complaint Seeks – to Chill Vital First Amendment Activities” – FOX News Moves to Dismiss Smartmatic Lawsuit.

11 Comments on FOX News Moves to Dismiss Smartmatic Lawsuit

  1. O/T but not really…. Just in case anyone did NOT get the memo. I’m just gonna go ahead and send out yet another copy of the memo from 6 JAN 2021

    6 JAN 2021

    There is no Republican or Democrat Party, only the UNi-Party.
    All AMERICANS are to refrain from believing there are two parties.
    Those that continue to believe there are two parties are, from this moment on, considered to be in possession of a sub-par intellect and should be treated as such.
    The Claw

  2. I notice they aren’t claiming they weren’t lying in their reporting about Smartmatic, truth being an absolute defense. They’re not addressing the false information issue at all, they seem to want to avoid it at this point.

    Now, it the suit proceeds, Smartmatic will have to prove FOX knew they were reporting false information and discovery will be used by them for that. The same sort of situation Nicholas Sandmann faced in his suits against CNN and the Washington Post

  3. Gateway Pundit has report which proves machines were giving 65% of votes to Biden and 32% to Trump. It’s supposed to be one person, one vote. Why aren’t the people burning and looting THESE companies. Gawd were weak.

  4. TRF et al: Traditional methods of “fighting back” bear no fruit nowadays. I don’t support Smartmatic, but making Faux News pay is using leftists tactics to make traitorous Faux pay. Smartmatic is going to be “legitimized” in all seditious news sites. That will not change. Patriots know media swill when they see it.


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