Fox News’ Peter Doocy Presses Circle-Back Girl About Thousands of Laid Off Energy Workers Thanks to Biden’s EOs – IOTW Report

Fox News’ Peter Doocy Presses Circle-Back Girl About Thousands of Laid Off Energy Workers Thanks to Biden’s EOs

“When Do They Get Their Green Jobs?”

Doocy wouldn’t back down and pointed out that tens of thousands of people are out of jobs who need money now to support their families.

20 Comments on Fox News’ Peter Doocy Presses Circle-Back Girl About Thousands of Laid Off Energy Workers Thanks to Biden’s EOs

  1. “20,000” jobs are directly lost by stopping the pipeline. A four person household could mean 80,000 autos aren’t purchased every few years. It could mean 20,000 houses aren’t built. And all the workers needed to build them, and the same for the cars. 80,000 hair appointments, and one pizza a week is 80,000 a week. All the people supplying the services now can’t buy houses and cars and pizzas. “20,000” jobs can turn into a million jobs in a heartbeat. Just ask the people in the rust belt when Joe was VP.

  2. Academy Award for Manchin? He’s “acting” like he’s “standing up” to the puppet in the white house, so he can “prove” to his constituents he’s on their side. Best supporting useful idiot in a real life drama.

  3. She speaks the exact same language as Turdeau who cancelled 2 of 5 pipelines. 1 was abandoned due to Cost & Red Tape, The BC Haida Indian’s put up a massive court delay on the 4th and Little Red Circle Jerk’s Boss cancelled #5 (Keystone).

    Lots of Uhm’s Uh Err aaahh’s From Turdeau as well but less masculine and more Lispy.

    For the first time in History the USA is following Canuckistan’s Example. Look up here to see what is coming. SAD!

  4. These assholes lie cheat and steal, and spend millions and millions of dollars to take office.
    Then refuse to explain their decisions.
    Note: Trump explained EVERYTHING.
    – And it made sense.


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