FOX News Reportedly Considering Hiring Brother Of Former Obama Adviser As New CEO – IOTW Report

FOX News Reportedly Considering Hiring Brother Of Former Obama Adviser As New CEO

The left couldn’t destroy FOX legally or through their own networks’ ratings, so now they’re going to destroy FOX from the inside- With the help of some useful tools in front of the camera.

American Lookout: Ever since election night in 2020, the ratings at FOX News have been in free-fall. Millions of loyal fans felt betrayed when the network called Arizona early for Biden while holding off calling other obvious wins for Trump.

Now they are considering firing their current CEO, instead of people like Chris Wallace and Juan Williams.

The stunning thing about this is that they are reportedly considering hiring David Rhodes, the brother of former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes, as their new chief.

How is this supposed to bring their fans back? If anything, this would make matters even worse. more

22 Comments on FOX News Reportedly Considering Hiring Brother Of Former Obama Adviser As New CEO

  1. Locally, I experienced something similar. I would not leave comments on some local news station sites because I knew they were trying to track down IP addresses to doxx commenters. See-dubya at Malkin’s site helped me out with one in particular who is now the communication’s chief for our state’s Lieutenant Governor.

    Then, the liberal station bought out a more conservative paper and had access to all of the information I gave them. Which was fake but they now had my online identity’s home IP address, phone carrier and work IP address.

    I say this because taking in Rhodes would be giving all of their user data to the Democrats and Obama people. On purpose. A complete betrayal.

    I know with complete certainty that if we had access to the Washington Post, NYT, Yahoo and their TV stations that we would find not just Chinese and Russian troll farms but so-called journalists, reporters and paid political operatives coordinating their messaging throughout.

  2. The only diff between GWB and his acolyte BHO is color. Ronny hating Murdock has always been a big government liberal. So he is just not trying to hide it now.

    Go back 12 years. Fox pushed RomenyCare very hard! Same as CNN. Far more liberal than Disney!

  3. Now it’s pointless for anyone to change channels. Even the fox leadership believes {or pretends to} that Biden got 81 million votes. 81 million votes!!!!
    And they’re calling us kooks!

  4. The strategy is very clear, we’re not their target market. They have rebranded and refocused their mission statement. I wonder which on-air personalities bail out or get fired first.

  5. Dumb bastards have already shot themselves in the foot… they’re putting the muzzle against their forehead.

    The Murdoch brothers and wackjob wives. Never built anything themselves but johnny on the spot to destroy.

    Here’s to the aussie saltwater crocs of the swamp eating you last, but eating you just the same.

  6. “How is this supposed to bring their fans back?”

    …it’s not.

    It’s meant to suck up to the new Communist regime.

    …I keep seeing culture lag like this. See, in Communist “economies” making money is not the goal, pleasing the Party is because the Party is the source of all largesse. You may not make a big salary, but if you pull your forelock hard enough and play up the Party big enough, you can expect them to take homes, cars, even women from other people and give them to you as a reward.

    Of course they can take all thus AWAY at a moments notice too, so best keep slaying those they name as enemies in the “press”, and you’ll just sail right along in sunshine and good food, far above the peasants you’re to mislead.

    All it costs is your soul.

    …but you’ll live a good, long life, right? Worry about THAT later if ever, and the Party will help you ignore THAT too by having you scrub and beclown the Bible when you’re not covering deadly raids on Christian and Jewish “terrorists” (wink, wink)…

  7. Do not be surprised if one of the first things the sham biden admin. does by an executive order is to reinvoke the Fairness Doctrine to completely destroy conservative talk radio and any opposition to their the ungodly and unconstitutional communist worldview. It’s coming and it ain’t gonna be pretty. I hate these bastards!

  8. Cliche: use a VPN, although many sites deny access to VPN’s they have identified (although you could try different addresses and maybe find one that will work).

    That being said, if someone really wanted to get you, or sacrifice you to protect themselves, they could probably fake an IP address. I have had several people tell me how they would get calls from people asking why they called. That’s because some spammer put their number as the caller ID number. Besides not answering many calls if I don’t recognize the number, I especially don’t answer it if it has the same area code and prefix as my number.

    If that can be done with phone. Umbers, why. It ISP’s?

    On a side note, I heard years ago that the Kennedy administration used the Fairness Doctrine to silence broadcasters from being critical of the President. The FCC would pounce on anyone who dared to speak against Camelot.

  9. Radio: I do now – albeit not all the time. But this was back in 2008-2009. Using a VPN back then was very rare. We were barely out of dialup internet at that point.

    Even with a home address, you usually wind up within a certain range of the IP node on the last three digits of the address. In my particular instance, the ABC site operator told me that he knew I was spoofing IP addresses. His logic was that no one else but me held certain opinions so if he saw a different IP address then he knew I was spoofing it to make it look like more people held the opinions than they did.

    The terms of service of their site explicitly said that they do not use their data for what he inadvertently admitted that he was doing. But they all do it.

    Giving Rhodes all of Fox’s data would be like turning your bank account over to a Nigerian prince.

  10. Ive quit Fox new and Fox business both. Now they are going to try and hire a former Obama advisor??????? What a way to win your audience back. Paulk Ryan influence no doubt.

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