FOX NEWS Shows True Colors; Joins Legal Fight to Restore CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House Press Pass – IOTW Report

FOX NEWS Shows True Colors; Joins Legal Fight to Restore CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House Press Pass

True Pundit: The newest member of the mainstream media jumped into the legal fight to help CNN reporter Jim Acosta restore his White House media privileges.

FOX News will file legal papers to support CNN’s lawsuit against President Trump.

We here are far from surprised.

See Also:

Bob Woodward criticizes CNN’s Acosta lawsuit, says media’s ’emotionally unhinged’ about Trump.


29 Comments on FOX NEWS Shows True Colors; Joins Legal Fight to Restore CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House Press Pass

  1. I think it’s time for the White House should let the media boycott commence and bar EVERY so-called journalist from the White House for a week. Or month.

    “Oh, you want in? I thought you were boycotting in support of your amigo, Jimmah, so we’re closed”.

    Let’s see what happens.

  2. …the argument, lame as it is, seems to be that taking this jackass’ credentials will cause a “chilling effect”.

    I sure hope it DOES.

    It needs to chill out everyone who thinks Journalist = President.
    It needs to chill out everyone from acting like a dillhole to the President.
    It needs to chill out journalist from thinking they can attack the President’s staff with impunity.
    It needs to chill out CNN from thinking that they can send the biggest asshole they can find to the White House to troll the President of the United States, and that he actually has to treat him like he’s NOT a horrid excuse for a decent human being.

    So, if it DOES have a chilling effect, I’m all FOR it…

  3. …Remember when they called them “Reporters”, not “Journalists”, and told them “REPORT the news don’t BE the news”?

    …it seems so very long ago…

    …just something ELSE the Democrats have ruined forever…

  4. “Fuck FOX. I hope Trump just stops calling on them and CNN”

    …how about he tells them “We don’t mind CNN and FOX joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”? Seems like I’ve heard something like that from the White House BEFORE, but it was a rather less Presidential guy that said it back then…

  5. No one is on our side except the Constitution and the souls of millions of patriots who have gone before us.

    Just don’t let bolshevik propaganda into your life. Cut the cable.

  6. I watch a little of Fox Biz. Tucker and Sean on FNC. Other than that I no longer watch.

    Mostly radio now. Stream from 9-3 and I’m much more informed than 95% of the population.
    Chris Plante 9-12. Plante is PHenry grade crazy and he’s funny as hell.

    Rush 12-3

    You can get WMAL through the iHeart app. Having lived in DC area during 1977-1990 I also schadenfreude enjoy the traffic reports from the deep state. It’s only going to get worse now that
    Amazon HQ2 is coming to Crystal City. Enjoy your deep state rat race suckers.

  7. I like Tucker, Judge Jeanine, Gutfeld. But only when I find the time for them. I don’t ‘wait’ for them.

    Oh, I used to watch Harris Faulkner (elegant and smart) but haven’t in a long time.

    Fox & Friends makes me want to hurl.

  8. Jim ‘Ted Baxter” Accostedher is a joke. I like Ace’s take, if he deserves a press pass like any other American then PDT should put everyone in the hat and draw 40 passes. It really wouldn’t be any different than what they have now. If none of the alphabets get picked so be it.

  9. So even FOX has decided to prove that you can suck enough.
    I like Levin’s show on Sunday night but I can live without the rest of them.
    I don’t recall them gettin their knickers in a knot when The Anointed One told the White House Press Corp that “it’s my house, my rules.” and had a reporter removed from the Rose Garden to the cheers of her fellow “journalists”.
    But that was Obama so…. Here’s the clip, if you can stand to listen to that empty vessel again.

  10. Never been a fan of FOX News. Not even when the founder was alive. Always considered it among the other liberal/left media. Is there any large news media outlet truly conservative? Even CBN slips into Progville too often for me to fully trust them.

  11. @ Grayjohn – same here probably have not watched in TEN years…AT ALL. Why watch when you can see that, if you want, on the net without commercials and make an occaisonal post here at IOTW.

    @ PHenry – its ALL radio ALL the time, talk radio music and everythang in between. Plante is VERY good.

    Rush – the most consistent EVER.
    Prager – my Old Testament rabbi
    Piscopo (local morning 970AM)
    Marc Simone (local morning 710AM) MAJOR Trump backer and NYC insider and Tweeter @BFH
    Gallagher – SOLID
    Levin – I know I know you all have opinions.
    Batchelor – for deep history and foreign policy.

    Bob Grant – RIP

    The great thing about radio you actually hear people call in filtered or not, agree or not.

    TV is bullshit.


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