Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera slams Canadian freedom convoy protestors as “thuggish.” – IOTW Report

Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera slams Canadian freedom convoy protestors as “thuggish.” Fox News is just beginning to rebuild the trust viewers lost in the network after the 2020 presidential election. However, one host is about to undo all of that.

Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera called the people orchestrating the massive Canadian “Freedom Convoy” trucker protest “thuggish” and urged viewers not to “give these guys the mantle of freedom fighters,” Breitbart reported. This protest against mask and vaccine mandates has already yielded positive results making Rivera’s statements controversial and damaging to the network.

“One man’s freedom is another man’s oppression,” Rivera said on the network’s “The Story” Wednesday. “Their behavior has been nothing short of thuggish in Ottawa. They kept people in the neighborhood awake all night, revving their engines, blowing their horns,” he claimed.

“They’ve deprived Ottawa of business, of tens of millions of dollars, now they’re blockading the international bridges,” Rivera continued. “They’re laying off people, cutting their shifts short in automotive assembly plants because they can’t get the parts from Canada to the United States,” Rivera added pointing out that the truckers are resisting police efforts to have vehicles in the blockade towed away. more h/t NAAC

32 Comments on Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera slams Canadian freedom convoy protestors as “thuggish.”

  1. @ Uncle Al February 12, 2022 at 7:04 pm

    > The truckers are merely using the same shutdown tactics that the govt has used against us

    I don’t think important people, like Geraldo… you know, “people”… not voats… were, ever, shutdown.

  2. Did he say the government was thuggish when they shut down the automakers? Did he say the automakers were thuggish when they fired people for not taking the death jab?

    He could use a broken nose again, where is a pro-wrestler when you need them.

  3. I honestly don’t think any of us little people are shedding any tears for the automakers, it wasn’t that long ago when they sure wanted our money to keep them in business. They never uttered a word against the government when they shut them down.

    However until the leftists in this country can’t get food and their lattes, nobody is going to wake up. So sorry, I won’t be shedding any tears for them when they’re hungry either, I would honestly laugh my ass off when/if the media and government employees started crying they were starving.
    I hope all ranchers and farmers start selling their food locally and refuse to sell to government or leftist cities. I hope the leftists can’t get their amazon package.

    They have already destroyed our economy, they have been hurting us, a little payback is warranted.

  4. @Old Racist White Woman: “I honestly don’t think any of us little people are shedding any tears for the automakers, it wasn’t that long ago when they sure wanted our money to keep them in business. …”

    You make a good point and I agree mostly, but I would like to point out that of the automakers, you’re right about GM and Chrysler, but not entirely about Ford. Ford did take a govt loan to retool in 2009, but they didn’t roll over and spread their legs the way the other two did.

  5. Uncle Al, true Ford didn’t take any money from government and if I remember correctly their sales went up and GM’s went down and then they started crying that being called Government Motors was hurting them.

    A friend of my son’s though who works for Ford said he was told either he gets a shot or he’s fired. I can’t remember when the deadline was and haven’t heard if he’s been fired or gave in. He was talking about moving out of Michigan. I forget sometimes living where I do just how hard others have had it. Not that we haven’t had hospitals and some companies mandate the shots and many have lost their job and others have lost their life after giving in, but for the most part we’ve been free.

  6. Hypocrite.
    The people who are actually protesting peacefully, even getting up early to sweep streets and shovel, are thugs but the govt and bullies in the police dept throwing 80 yr old men to the ground for beeping aren’t.

    Gerry Rivers is a complete fraud.
    He and Rove should retire together.

  7. Geraldo has been, and always will be, a bleeding fucking douche nozzle. I’m coming to despise him as much as I did Juan Williams. I don’t watch very often but I do catch clips of Guttfeld tearing Rivera a new asshole. Great stuff!!


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