Fox Town Hall- Trump suggests Biden isn’t competent: ‘There’s something going on there’ – IOTW Report

Fox Town Hall- Trump suggests Biden isn’t competent: ‘There’s something going on there’

FOX: President Trump, speaking at a Fox News Town Hall in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pa., on Thursday evening, openly suggested that the new Democratic front-runner’s repeated gaffes could be a sign of a competency issue — honing a line of attack that Republicans are expected to repeatedly deploy if Biden becomes his party’s nominee.

Trump also wasted little time in criticizing ex-rival Elizabeth Warren’s decision to drop out of the race only after Super Tuesday, saying she may have sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ struggling presidential bid by siphoning the progressive vote.

The setting was more casual and conversational than Trump’s boisterous rallies, and afforded the commander-in-chief an opportunity to connect directly with voters on camera. more

“Success” as a country is the solution, Trump said, suggesting that Democrats would come to the bargaining table, if not the dinner table, if he won reelection.

At the same time, Trump said, “when they hit us, we have to hit back.”

15 Comments on Fox Town Hall- Trump suggests Biden isn’t competent: ‘There’s something going on there’

  1. Rich kid Biden is running against Ronald Reagan! I

    I would vote for a dead , good man, against A millionaire’s son with sh*t for brains. Bidden will not beat either!

  2. The President is safe to say that Joe isn’t running on all cylinders. Biden has already stated that he wont serve for more than one term. So whats the point? The majority of Americans now say the US is the leading economic power. There is no sense in changing horses in the middle of the stream.
    MAGA 2020

  3. Trump is being kinder than the Sandernistas are about Creepy Joe. They are openly discussing Poor Joey’s cognitive decline. Just wait till he fumbles and bumbles his answers in a debate with Bolshevik Bernie. Someone’s going to stage an intervention before the Full Catastrophe Convention, or the Dementiacrats will go down like McGovern did in 1968.

  4. “Success” as a country is the solution, Trump said, suggesting that Democrats would come to the bargaining table, if not the dinner table, if he won reelection.

    The Democrats don’t want a seat at the table. They want to take it all for themselves, or set it on fire if they can’t have it all to themselves.

  5. Interesting.
    “At the same time, Trump said, “when they hit us, we have to hit back.”

    How would that statement have been received in 2016? Paul Ryan and Turtle Boy would have had a shit fit.

  6. With Hillary, Trump had to go 110%. If he puts the pedal to the medal with Biden, I hate to say it but even I would say it’s piling on.

    Joe just ain’t all there. Now if it were to be Bernie, then by all means, scorch his saggy ass. In fact, I wish it was Bernie because that’s a confrontation we need to have.

  7. Patrick nailed it: “The Democrats don’t want a seat at the table. They want to take it all for themselves, or set it on fire if they can’t have it all to themselves.”

    They’ve been showing us this for years.


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