France: 27 police officers reported for radicalization after Paris attack – IOTW Report

France: 27 police officers reported for radicalization after Paris attack

Voice of Europe: Since the terrorist attack at Police HQ of Paris earlier this month, 27 police officers from the Paris prefecture alone have been reported radicalization. 

The news comes as reports of radicalization among police have skyrocketed in recent times, French broadcaster BFM TV report.

On October 3rd, four police officers were stabbed to death at police headquarters in Paris by a police IT expert, whose office colleagues failed to notify their superiors about unsettling changes in his behavior.

Of the 27 officers who’ve been reported, three are the subject of requests for suspension by the Prefect of Police and two have been disarmed. Of the two officers who’ve been disarmed, one was assigned to the Regional Directorate of Judicial Police and the other acted as a peacekeeper in Villeneuve-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine) suburb in northern Paris. more here

8 Comments on France: 27 police officers reported for radicalization after Paris attack

  1. “What’s the guy’s name?”

    “Bahadur Khan.”

    “We can’t say anything bad about that cat… he’s only threatened to cut off our heads 3 times. Khan is a good guy. Besides, we can’t say anything bad about him.”

    “He shit on his hand and don’t know a fucking thing about IT. He told me he’d cut off my head.”

    “We can’t fuck with him. Gubbment shit. We just can’t.”

  2. If I understand this correctly, it appears that the French police hired a crap-ton of muslims and now the police are getting reports that the muslims are acting like muslims?

    Well, that is perplexing – no way could anyone have predicted this happening (except everyone who is not a complete idiot).

  3. Can’t have a hand gun to protect yourself
    but the Muzz have hand grenades and RPG’s
    are next.You watch.
    BTW= Mexy cartel just stood down the #32 most
    powerful military in the world to take back junior
    Guzman.The cartel knew where the police & soldiers
    families lived,everyone of them.They killed a few and
    then the Govt. forces stood down.

  4. Turbin wearing police patrolling the streets on camels isn’t clue enough that you’ve been thoroughly infiltrated? They don’t patrol in pairs, one of the two is a translator and Sharia compliance official.
    It’s past time that the French people dusted off their guillotines and wet the blades with the countries leaders who’ve betrayed them. When they’re done send the machines over here.


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