France and Britain Will Ask the UN to Create a ‘Safe Zone’ in Kabul to Continue Evacuations – IOTW Report

France and Britain Will Ask the UN to Create a ‘Safe Zone’ in Kabul to Continue Evacuations

PJM: French President Emmanuel Macron will ask the United Nations to create a “safe zone” in Kabul to allow for the continued evacuation of westerners and at-risk Afghans. A safe zone “would provide a framework for the United Nations to act in an emergency,” Macron said in comments published in the weekly Journal du Dimanche.

It would also allow the international community “to maintain pressure on the Taliban,” Macron wrote.

France 24:

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – France, Britain, the US, Russia and China – will meet on Monday to discuss the Afghanistan situation.

Paris and London will take the opportunity to present a draft resolution which “aims to define, under UN control, a ‘safe zone’  in Kabul, that will allow humanitarian operations to continue,” Macron said.

His comments come as international efforts to airlift foreign nationals and vulnerable Afghanis out of the country comes to an end.

Both France and Great Britain ended their evacuation efforts on Friday with an unknown number of their nationals stuck in Taliban-controlled Kabul. A safe zone would allow for non-military flights to get them out. more

11 Comments on France and Britain Will Ask the UN to Create a ‘Safe Zone’ in Kabul to Continue Evacuations

  1. Blue helmets mounting a successful operation with no US support whatsoever.

    This would be hilarious if our soldiers weren’t involved, and it wasn’t opening the door to China’s global depredations even as we destroy our own ability courtesy of the Pedo to respond to them…


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