France and Germany Suddenly want borders – IOTW Report

France and Germany Suddenly want borders

France, Germany push for tighter EU borders after attacks.

BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) – France and Germany pushed on Tuesday to tighten European Union borders to head off what French President Emmanuel Macron called the “threat of terrorism” after suspected Islamist militants killed eight people in Paris, Nice and Vienna within a month. more

SNIP: What about the terrorists they invited in?

13 Comments on France and Germany Suddenly want borders

  1. If these fools sign the latest proposal of an EU Migration Pact their countries are sunk. I have been following Ronald Gläser, AfD, Alternative für Deutschland since he was elected a few years back. The party became official in 2013. It is conservative economically and socially and as a result has the usual tags of ‘racist’ ‘islamaphobic’ ‘nazi’ attached to it. Berlin and Dresden in particular have become pisslamic radical enclaves. He posts daily horror stories of these Moslems rioting, burning and threatening beheadings. So much for the great diversity.

    Frau Stasi Ossie Merkel’s only concern is for her own career since the Bundestag elections are next year. The conservative movement is growing in Germany even though Merkel tries to connect it to the NASDAP

  2. Countries need to stop paying out welfare, unemployment benefits. No Freebies, No invaders. Check out Jersey, Channel Islands. Their biggest problem is being an offshore banking community with Rolls and Ferraris, and a speed limit of 20 MPH everywhere. And, you need to rent for ten years before you can own property. Sounds reasonable.

  3. @Irate Nate
    “WE” didn’t let them in, our country’s enemies – every democrat and socialist, but I repeat myself – let them in. Hmmm, that’s not correct, they INVITED them in. No, actually, they PAID to bring them in. The left knew the Trojan horse was full of invaders and gleefully pulled it inside the gates.

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