France: Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Take to Streets for 16th Straight Weekend – IOTW Report

France: Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Take to Streets for 16th Straight Weekend

PARIS (AP) – French yellow vests are protesting for a 16th straight weekend in Paris and other cities to show they are still mobilized against the government’s economic policies they see as favouring the rich.

In Paris, protesters gathered Saturday at the Arc de Triomphe monument as a march was planned through the well-off western neighbourhoods of the capital.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday reiterated a call for calm, pointing at “unacceptable” outbreaks of violence since the movement began in November.

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7 Comments on France: Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Take to Streets for 16th Straight Weekend

  1. Too bad France doesn’t have more Jews in power. You’d think that firing explosive rounds (destroying eyes, blowing off hands) to disperse protesters from news view, would bring some form of international rebuke. Maybe even United Nations action. I guess some protesters are more equal than others.

  2. “Only on weekends.

    Cuz during the week they’re too busy standing in line for free shit – y’know – bread, wine, shot of leg, caviar, croissants, frog legs, that white shit they put on everything.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Only on the weekends” because the yellow vest protestors actually “work” during the week. They are the blue-collar workers, the truck drivers of goods and services – they protest on their time off.

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