France does not cherish its female citizens – IOTW Report

France does not cherish its female citizens


Clarion Project:  

No-Go Zones For Women.

On May 19, 2017, two Parisian neighborhood associations — SOS La Chapelle and Tomorrow La Chapelle — posted a petition online titled Women, an Endangered Species in the Heart of Paris. 

The petition, addressed to the president, prime minister, minister for justice, minister for the interior, attorney-general, mayor and police commissioner of Paris is a plea for help from the residents of the La Chapelle district in the north-east of the city. It draws attention to the fact that over the past year, the area adjacent to La Chapelle subway station has turned into a dangerous no-go zone for women and girls.

This period, since 2015, corresponds to the arrival of a wave of Muslim migrants from Somalia, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan and other war-torn countries. After years of tolerating the erection of mini shanty-towns and campsites along the subway line, railway tracks and parks in the neighborhood, Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo commissioned the construction of a vast reception and accommodation center at the Porte de la Chapelle with a capacity of 400.  MORE

15 Comments on France does not cherish its female citizens

  1. Typical French thinking they are so superior rather than appreciating cultural enrichment. They need to weave these vibrant behaviors and attitudes into the tapestry their own culture because diversity.

  2. So, wait… The women… sorry, people (who all just happen to be women)… who have lost this bet, want a “do over.” How sweet. Alright, let’s run the numbers and see what reinstating the patriarchy that never was… what? Oh… You want the previously local men to take managerial responsibility for changing the current situation, while explicitly denying them the tools to do so? Yes? Alrighty. So, the men who have been farmed (culled) for generations to not merely be blind, but deny their own lying eyes, in subservience to the matriarchy, are to now rise up and defy the matriarchy, to save it from itself, to have the opportunity to return to serving the matriarchy. No? Oh… They are to continue their obeisance to the matriarchy in all other ways, especially service, and quietly disobey in this singular aspect, while gratefully accepting their punishments when seen disobeying, until they have solved the problem. Well… good luck, with that. Be sure to post a few studies of how that worked out. Preferably with “click baity” titles, so I don’t forget to check back. Ta ta.

  3. Nor does any other nation that allows third world savages to invade unimpeded cherish its women. Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, in all these countries the interests of invaders trump those of native-born citizens. Here in the US we aren’t far behind. Trump says he wants the invasion to continue he is just going to call it “legal” and then he won’t need to build a wall and everyone will live happily ever after in peace and harmony. WAKE UP Donald. You are saying some things now very differently than when you were a candidate. What happened to protecting the American worker and family?

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