France: Feminists Fill Eco-Friendly Public Urinals With Concrete To Protest Sexism – IOTW Report

France: Feminists Fill Eco-Friendly Public Urinals With Concrete To Protest Sexism

DC: People filled in two eco-friendly public urinals known as “Uritrottoirs” in Paris with cement to protest sexism over lack of bathroom options for women.

Vandals expressed their frustration with the public urinals by filling in the two urinals with cement and then covering them with stickers and tampons, the New York Times reported. The urinals were originally installed to tackle the issue of men urinating on the street.

“Are you a dog? No?” said one of the protest stickers. “Then why are you urinating in the street?”

The stickers also pointed out a double standard over the public urinals.

“Women who expose their breasts to breast-feed are asked to hide themselves,” said another protest sticker. “Men who take out their genitals to urinate are subsidized by City Hall.”  more here

SNIP: But they’re not worried about the rapes, shootings and car assaults by the “Asians” at all?

8 Comments on France: Feminists Fill Eco-Friendly Public Urinals With Concrete To Protest Sexism

  1. I was expecting to see someone here putting a link to the clip of a Muslim woman taking a dump outside an elevator while standing up, and then shuffling away.
    Our new neighbors.
    Paris, San Francisco are really becoming public toilets and the left likes it that way.

  2. “Public Urinal” is French for “Swimming Pool” … or “Wall.”

    Yes, I studied French in High School – chevrolet? mo’zeylon?
    N’est pas?
    First one means “car” and the second means “cut the grass.”
    See? Thought I was bein a smart ass?

    izlamo delenda est …


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