Who is going to tell France the bad news? – IOTW Report

Who is going to tell France the bad news?

The French have been stabbed in the back by Macron. France is bleeding out.

France Slowly Sinking into Chaos.

  • President Macron never says he is sorry for those who have lost an eye or a hand… from extreme police brutality. Instead, he asked the French parliament to pass a law that almost completely abolishes the right to protest and the presumption of innocence, and that allows the arrest of anyone, anywhere, even without cause. The law was passed.
  • In June, the French parliament passed another law, severely punishing anyone who says or writes something that might contain “hate speech”. The law is so vague that an American legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, felt compelled to react. “France”, he wrote, “has now become one of the biggest international threats to freedom of speech”.
  • The main concern of Macron and the French government seems not to be the risk of riots, the public’s discontent, the disappearance of Christianity, the disastrous economic situation, or Islamization and its consequences. Instead, it is climate change.
  • “The West no longer knows what it is, because it does not know and does not want to know what shaped it, what constituted it, what it was and what it is. (…) This self-asphyxiation leads naturally to a decadence that opens the way to new barbaric civilizations.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah, in Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse (“The Evening Comes, and already the Light Darkens”).


18 Comments on Who is going to tell France the bad news?

  1. Time for another storming of The Bastille and a Second French Revolution.
    Un-retire Madame Guillotine, oil her works and sharpen her blade. Bring out her multitude of children, she’s going to be busy.
    Macaroni and fellow elitists can only poke the bear for so long, before the bear pokes back.
    That is, if the Frenchies have enough backbone to get their hands bloody.
    And from what HASN’T been said by the DeMSM presstitutes about the Yellow Jackets, I’m guessing the French citizenry are just. one. step. away. from total riot.

    Oh, and a PS: If the muzzies have the sense that God gave a rock, a goat, or a camel, once the French citizens start rioting, those welfare grubbing, non-working, entitlement minded, boy pederasty, camel jockies, best un-ass the A.O. at a double time pace. The French citizenry WILL NOT stop at “enclave” (ghetto) borders while regaining what was taken from them. (And methinks a cleansing by fire wouldn’t hurt those enclaves, either)

  2. I feel the walls coming in with this new Red Flag Bill they suddenly want to pass. Who gets to decide who is a Red Flag? I saw the map that shows which states have passed these bills. Looks like all blue states. I have bad feelings about this. Tell me I’m wrong to worry.

  3. …sing this ironically…

    “Arise children of the fatherland
    The day of glory has arrived
    Against us tyranny’s
    Bloody standard is raised
    Listen to the sound in the fields
    The howling of these fearsome soldiers
    They are coming into our midst
    To cut the throats of your sons and consorts

    To arms citizens Form your battalions
    March, march
    Let impure blood
    Water our furrows

    What do they want this horde of slaves
    Of traitors and conspiratorial kings?
    For whom these vile chains
    These long-prepared irons?
    Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
    What methods must be taken?
    It is us they dare plan
    To return to the old slavery!”
    -La Marseillaise (English lyrics)


  4. Trudeau, his bum buddy, is doing the exact same thing in Canada.

    He has just passed a law that dictates who can take part in a TV debate & what Stations can host the debate.

    He is not allowing the WESTERN news organisations to host a debate and his cronnies just passed a law designed to keep a new conservative party from sending their representative.

    Same Shit Different Dildo!

  5. @ Tuesday: I don’t think you are wrong to worry at all. “Red Flag” laws/policies (Interesting choice of color, No?) are ripe for free citizen abuse. Who decides who is “safe”?? We all can guess – look at the origins of the idea. The left has been lusting for something like this for decades. It’s a way around the Second Amendment. I’m very disappointed that President Trump got suckered on this.
    Arm and ammo up now, before it is too late.

  6. Larry,
    Don’t know about “copyrighted”, all that fell out of my head through my fingertips, hadn’t read anything else on this but the posted story. Please send TRF (who?) my way, we can talk over a sandwich and beer or cups of coffee, maybe even become friends and neighbors.

  7. Tuesday,
    To someone in the right frame of mind, and doesn’t mind doing a little detective homework, the possibilities of fun are endless.
    Many Red Flag states allow for anonymous calls and complaints (YMMV, research your laws) (where was I just reading and commenting on that?). Find out who the pro-Red Flag politicians are. Find out who their armed bodyguards (and you KNOW they have them) are (name, address, at minimum).
    Go out of your neighborhood, pay cash for a burner cell phone.
    Call and file complaints often. Tie the anti 2A politicians in knots fighting against the Red Flag laws that they created. Research Cloward-Piven.

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