France: Le Pen Proposes Referendum on Immigration if Elected President – IOTW Report

France: Le Pen Proposes Referendum on Immigration if Elected President

PARIS (Reuters) – French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said on Monday that if she is elected president in the 2022 election, she will call a referendum proposing drastic limits on immigration.

Le Pen said on France 2 television the referendum would propose strict criteria for entering French territory and for acquiring French nationality, as well as giving French citizens priority access to social housing, jobs and social security benefits.

“The referendum will propose a complete draft bill that will aim to drastically regulate immigration,” said Le Pen, who will be the candidate of the Rassemblement National party in the vote for president in April.

Referendums are allowed under the French constitution but are rarely used. The last major referendum was in 2005, when French people voted against France ratifying a European Constitution. read more

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