France: MacMerkel vows to fight jihadi “enemies of humanity” with Trump – IOTW Report

France: MacMerkel vows to fight jihadi “enemies of humanity” with Trump

Jihad Watch: I recently wrote about Macron at Jihad Watch, wondering where the French leader was headed given his mixed signals and recent determination to stand beside President Trump for the G-20 photo op.

Macron now says with regard to fighting jihad:

When it comes to fighting terrorism, I can say from day one we have seen eye to eye and we are strongly determined to take any necessary measures to root out terrorism and eradicate it no matter where

Just wondering whether that means that Macron is willing to stop Muslim migration into France, akin to Trump’s temporary ban, or will he adopt the restrictive immigration policy of his fellow European leaders Victor Orban and Beata Szydlo, who have flatly refused to take in more migrants despite punitive threats from the EU for violating its rules regarding migrant quotas.

Macron’s outward starry-eyed face-to-face demeanor in Trump’s presence is likely shallow unless he has shifted since he became leader of France. Back in April, Macron promised “to rip up border controls between France and the UK,” which provoked fear of a “new migrant crisis.”  More

12 Comments on France: MacMerkel vows to fight jihadi “enemies of humanity” with Trump

  1. It seems “Jupiter” is a bit meek while in the company of a real leader. Who knows, maybe he’s been inspired by our presidents leadership. But then again he is French, so thats probably a long shot.

  2. Macron is as untrustworthy as all his predecessors.

    Macron is the darling of the Leftist MSM, so they are annoyed by the cordial New-BFF’s welcome to Trump The Monster.
    Since France has an economy less significant than California, no question POTUS is dominant here.

  3. Macron has learned well, he’s now infected with the “de Gaulle Syndrome”, which leads to the Rule of French Warfare: “France only wins when America does most of the fighting.”
    First Rule of Muslim Warfare: “We can always beat the French.” This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish and Vietnamese.

  4. If true, he just needs to accept that all muslims are jihadis – and therefore all of them are enemies of humanity – and follow through.

    France is far past the point where stopping muslim immigration into France would matter.

    They must expel, or exterminate, the muslims the have. Every last one of them. Or France, and the French people, will inevitably be exterminated by the muslims.

    This is true for western Europe generally.

  5. Trump is just trying to put a wedge between Merkel and the rest of europe. And while he’s at it to strike some energy deals to put the banana to the midget wrestler Putin.

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