France: Marine Le Pen pledges to fine Muslims who wear headscarves in public – IOTW Report

France: Marine Le Pen pledges to fine Muslims who wear headscarves in public

GBN- French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has vowed to fine Muslims who wear headscarves in public if elected.

The contender made the promise in a final push for votes with three days ahead of the election.

Le Pen, 53, explained how her pledge to ban the headscarf in all public spaces would be implemented, saying it would be enforced by police in the same way as seatbelt-wearing in cars.

Talking on RTL radio, Ms Le Pen said: “People will be given a fine in the same way that it is illegal to not wear your seat belt. It seems to me that the police are very much able to enforce this measure.”

This comes as a new Harris Interactive poll shows rival President Emmanuel Macron’s lead is dwindling, as Le Pen has captured 48.5 percent of voter intentions with just a few days to go. more here

6 Comments on France: Marine Le Pen pledges to fine Muslims who wear headscarves in public

  1. Fine em, Hell … beat em to death (metaphorically, of course) hahahahahaha!
    Or bitch-slap em a la Will Smiff!
    Or strip them naked but leave the trash bag on their heads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And if they don’t have solid working knowledge of the language of the invaded country,within 3 years, out they go.

    Et s’ils n’ont pas une solide connaissance pratique de la langue du pays envahi dans les 3 ans, ils s’en vont.

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