France: Mayor says home ‘rammed’ and set on fire during protests – IOTW Report

France: Mayor says home ‘rammed’ and set on fire during protests

CNN- The mayor of a Paris suburb has said his home was attacked early Sunday morning, calling it “an assassination attempt” on his family amid ongoing unrest in the country.

“At 1:30 a.m., while I was at the city hall like the past three nights, individuals rammed their car upon my residence before setting fire to it to burn my house, inside which my wife and my two young children slept,” said mayor Vincent Jeanbrun of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, in a statement.

“While trying to protect the children and escape the attackers, my wife and one of my children were injured.”

Jeanbrun said that he had “no words strong enough to describe his emotion towards the horror of this night” and thanked police and rescue services for their help.

The Créteil prosecutor’s office has classified the incident as an “attempted murder,” prosecutor Stéphane Hardouin told reporters Sunday. more

24 Comments on France: Mayor says home ‘rammed’ and set on fire during protests

  1. Anyone else having problems loading using Safari? My ipad has been returning 404 not found error messages for 2 days. But the site comes up fine on my laptop running firefox.

  2. ‘Jeanbrun said that he had “no words strong enough to describe his emotion towards the horror of this night”’

    …would have been nice if the fam had GUNS, n’est-ce pas?

    …or maybe not let an Islamic military strike force in the country in the FIRST place…

    “Allons enfants de la Patrie
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
    Contre nous de la tyrannie
    L’étendard sanglant est levé
    L’étendard sanglant est levé
    Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
    Mugir ces féroces soldats?
    Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
    Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes!

    Aux armes, citoyens
    Formez vos bataillons
    Marchons, marchons!
    Qu’un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons!”

    English translation:
    “Arise, children of the Fatherland
    Our day of glory has arrived
    Against us the bloody flag of tyranny
    is raised; the bloody flag is raised.
    Do you hear, in the countryside
    The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
    They’re coming right into your arms
    To cut the throats of your sons, your comrades!

    To arms, citizens!
    Form your battalions
    Let’s march, let’s march
    That their impure blood
    Should water our fields.”
    -“La Marseillaise”

    …You were warriors once.

    You need to be again.

  3. The forecast of things to come with stupid immigration policies.
    Nuthin wrong with immigration. Just use the common sense standards and regulations that were put in place decades ago for good reason! No diseases, the ability and willingness to work and no hand-outs (bribes)
    Want to eat?

    Safari user here – no issues, however I have seen the 404 error occationally on the Fire tablet. Have not compared to Safari same link, same time.

  4. Note to all you US sanctuary city lovin libtards that have embraced flooding America with military age men from 100+ countries. They are going to be coming for you too.

  5. Nice to see that you elitists aren’t exempt from the rioting, looting, and burning that’s going on around you.

  6. Gee, that’s a real shame.

    Where do I go to donate to Migrant Lives Matter? The dirty motherfuckers are getting what they foisted on others and don’t like it one damn bit.

  7. Gee, where have I read about something like this in past history? Seems to me, they did far worse than ramming a mayor’s house. I won’t go into the graphic details of such behavior, but I can see it coming just a clear as day. Tar, feathered, dismembered and dragged through town behind a horse. Oh, and that was just the doctors they did that to during the plague, how far greater would a politician get?

  8. ‘Jeanbrun said that he had “no words strong enough to describe his emotion towards the horror of this night”’

    I’m not so sure the English language has one for me either. But I checked with the German lady that is visiting the house behind me and she said that Schadenfreude works for her.

  9. The Créteil prosecutor’s office has classified the incident as an “attempted murder,” prosecutor Stéphane Hardouin told reporters Sunday.

    One reporter who just got back from a five year stint in America as an exchange student studying modern journalism at an Ivey League Journalism School called bullshit. She’s also been serving an internship position at CNN and recognizes mostly peaceful when she sees it.

  10. JDHasty AT 6:03 PM
    “Estimated 50K attend Trump Talley today in SC

    He’s more popular than the Beatles. This can and will repeat weekly in every state in America.”

    But I’ll be with the OTHER guy! Just like in 2020!



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