France: Migrants Scaring Off Seaside Tourism – IOTW Report

France: Migrants Scaring Off Seaside Tourism

Breitbart London: Business owners and residents in the northern French commune of Ouistreham are worried that tourists may not come to the seaside resort, which could crush local businesses, due to the presence of over 150 migrants sleeping rough on the streets.

Many of the business owners see economic ramifications for the town of 9,500 from the presence of the migrants with local MP Christophe Blanchet, a member of French President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche! (LREM) saying, “We are on the edge of the abyss,” French news website reports.

According to the Collective for the Assistance to the Migrants of Ouistreham (CAMO), a group which work with migrants in the town, between 120 and 150 migrants sleep on the streets or in the nearby woods with the majority of them coming from Sudan. MORE

7 Comments on France: Migrants Scaring Off Seaside Tourism

  1. They’re being “multiculturally enriched by Vibrant Diversity”.

    If they think 150 semihuman vermin defecating on the streets is killing tourism, just wait until the mass gang rapes, knife murders, and beheading of priests at Mass begins.

    Awhile back I was talking to French acquaintances from Nice and Villefranche on the coast. They are suddenly overrun and overwhelmed by fighting age Muslim men, aggressive and arrogant “like conquerors”. They are scared, and wondering where they can move to.
    Their local cops, no heroes to begin with, are proving worse than useless. Their lifelong Socialist conditioning leaves them utterly unable to process any of these changes.

  2. It’s too late to “move” somewhere. They have to fight. And when they take out a few of them here and there, dump them in the sea and tell no one.
    But you ain’t heard that from me.

  3. It’s a savage world out there. They had their chance to vote for Le Pen. Maybe next time. In the meantime, they can start taking back their country from the edge of the abyss.

  4. Coming here real soon.
    Remember Radioman told ya so…
    How long before your local police force
    falls apart or are killed in a “situation”.
    Here in bankrupt La Marque,Tx. 13 miles from
    Santa Fe we got 4 police on patrol at night.
    My neighbor and I are fighting “a neighbor from hell”
    that would put down any of that stuff you see on Utube.
    Enrique has called the cops 20 times in 18 monthes.They
    usually take 20 minutes.}po-po station be 1 mile away.{
    several times they never responded.


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