France Moves to Begin Jailing mRNA Vaccine Critics – IOTW Report

France Moves to Begin Jailing mRNA Vaccine Critics

The new law would potentially turn a critic of mRNA gene therapy treatments into a criminal.

13 Comments on France Moves to Begin Jailing mRNA Vaccine Critics

  1. We need to distance ourselves from any thing Ura peon. Their too in bred. They’re stupid. They’re Libtard thru and Thru. And now they think they can dictate whether I carry a gun or not. Come get it Macaroni. I have a gift. Maybe a curse. I can ID a libtard by their driving habits. My definition of eternity is 4 Libtards approaching a four way stop all from apposing directions. None of them will drive thru the intersection. Why? Because there’s no one there to tell them what to do. Libtards need Government control because they don’t have a functioning brain. That’s why they demand gun control. They know if they owned one they’d shoot up a school.

  2. So whatever happened to Liberty, Equality, Fraternity? Or is France embracing the woke version of that, which is something about 180 degrees opposite?

    The entire world disgusts me these days. Speak your mind about the jab, you’re a criminal. Killers shooting up a Super Bowl Parade. Perverts teaching little kids that perversion is a good thing. Sickos sticking tree branches up their asses in public places. Unbalanced people getting their sexual organs ripped out because they have weird thoughts about themselves.

    I don’t look forward to dying any more than most people, but the world is getting more unlivable by the minute.

  3. Hell, I thought it was just the drivers in the apelanta area that find four way stops to be a mental challenge. Noticed it when I moved here from Cleveland, Oh. Been here thirty years and they’re no better.

  4. I’m one of the 19% of US citizens who didn’t contaminate myself with experimental messenger RNA crap cooked up by big pharma. The kool-aid drinkers who believe in the efficacy of it are free to subject themselves to all they want.

  5. France has been on the decline since the Battle of Waterloo.

    Hasn’t been a Frog worth a fuck since Napoleon … and he was Corsican!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. BAR
    You’d be shocked at how many times I’m the last one there and the first one through the intersection. I don’t wait on them anymore. I’ll bet 3 times a week. Indecision causes wrecks.


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