France Set To Make ‘Gender-Based Insults’ Illegal – IOTW Report

France Set To Make ‘Gender-Based Insults’ Illegal

DC: French President Emmanuel Macron announced a number of measures to combat violence against women Saturday, including a fine on “gender-based insults.”

Macron marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women by promising “to fight for the non-negotiable equality of both sexes” during his first term in office.

“Let’s seal a pact of equality between men and women,” Macron said. “It is essential that shame changes camp. Gender-based insults will be punishable by law. Offenders will face a deterrent fine.”  Read more

SNIP: Does this include muslims? Will they be fined for these offenses?

21 Comments on France Set To Make ‘Gender-Based Insults’ Illegal

  1. Another criminalization the hetero-normative.

    Frangistan will never learn.
    Maricon needs the Louis XVI treatment.

    Zut allors! One doesn’t get a round mouth from eating square meals!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Equal rights is not the same as equal.

    I don’t care what criteria the collectivists use to establish group identities; the very use of grouping criteria automatically makes members of different groups unequal. These totalitarians simply aren’t equipped to think very well, to say nothing of thinking critically at all.

  3. I don’t think saying “you throw like a girl”(which is often true) or wolf whistling (which I do sorely miss the old days of where a quick blush was followed by a 6-8 hour feel-good confidence boost) is what is making France “one of those countries where women live in fear”. Why is it so hard for these guys to admit the truth of the real problems they are having with assault for which the opening is often really scarey verbal threats not a simple cat call or “gender insult”.

  4. So we need to come up with omnigender slurs. How about prunt, or nosesucker? Or use parrotfish as an insult (parrotfish start life as one sex, then go through a sexual metamorphosis and end up the other sex, sort of a natural tranny).

  5. They have Muzzytrards running rampant, burning cars and buildings and they passed a law to prohibit the reporting of this uncomfortable fact. The level of Antisemitism in France today is on par when they were occupied by the NAZIS but how dare you to draw conclusions that Muzzytards have anything to do with it even though it is Muzzytards that shoot Jewish kids as they go to a Jewish school, torture a Jewish man to death or walk into a Kosher market and light up the place. They have Muzzytards shooting up the work place of their version of The Onion, in broad daylight and no major changes expect their version of The Onion has no longer makes fun of Islam- other faiths no holds bar. And lets not forget about the Truck of Peace versus the Christmas shoppers.

    But by God they are going to put their foot down when it comes to “Gender based insults”. I give them 15 years tops before they completely fold and become an Islamic state. At that point gender issues will be simplified. You are either wearing a burka or you are not and if you are found not wearing a burka when you should be in a burka you will be publicly stoned to death. Dudes who want to dress in a Burka can walk safe. Chicks who can’t grow a beard- not so much.

    To call them Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys is an insult to their grand parents who bent over for the Nazis and said “Danka mein herr may I have another”. That generation must be spinning in their graves. Once they were liberated everyone who was not a collaborator claimed to be part of the Resistance. (If everyone who claimed to be part of the Resistance was actually part of the Resistance France never would have fallen to start with but that is another topic) Today their is no Resistance at all.

  6. Macron and his bastard french relative from Canada Trudeau are just following the trend France set long ago.

    ….”appeasement before principle, kneel before bowing, surrender before conflict”. Oui, Oui, Oui all the way home.

  7. @Pelopidas November 27, 2017 at 2:47 pm

    At that point gender issues will be simplified. You are either wearing a burka or you are not and if you are found not wearing a burka when you should be in a burka you will be publicly stoned to death. Dudes who want to dress in a Burka can walk safe. Chicks who can’t grow a beard- not so much.

    And? Are you eliding a 90% VAT that’s part of the package? Are you a world famous fashion designer? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

    I give them 15 years tops

    That’s at least 15 years less than it would take “Rule of Law, True Conservatives” to fix the problem. (Even with a unanimous majority, and all future elections canceled. Legally, of course.)

  8. The Downside.

    I’m not a fashion designer at all. When I was into fashion it was mid 80’s Minnesota Punk. Obnoxious T-shirts, with flannel shirt on top (it gets cold where I grew up) and black leather boots.

    I think you are missing the point. France is a democracy and as a nation they choose to completely ignore the murder of Cartoonists, Jews and people out to enjoy the Christmas lights. They are passing meaningless laws to delude themselves France will always be the center of culture, art, wine and champagne. Like Lebanon was for the Middle East in the 1950’s. The reality is they are in a race with other countries like The UK, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Belgium or Norway to become the first modern day Lebanon of the EU. And by “modern” I mean a bombed out hell hole run my Muzzytard fanatics who will murder you for not praying ‘the right way’.

    Canada is on that list now that their man-child PM (who won because he has great hair) wants all Canadian ISIS fighters to come home. There is plenty to say about claiming to be pro-gay rights but bringing back people who murder gays but that is a problem for the left. Its a problem that the rest of us have to deal with to be sure but it’s a problem created by and owned by the left.

    We live in a democracy. I would be prepared to shoot any Tyrant regardless of what party he belongs to. The very sad thing is the left has cried wolf on this so much that “Tyrant”, “Dictator” or even “Hitler” has no meaning to your average citizen. Want proof? If those words meant to those people who actually spout them they would add “Mao”, “Che”, “Stalin” and “Lenin” and would be shocked with horror at the sight of a Hammer & Cycle just as they would a Swastika. But no, some mass murdering tyrants are cool to the left. Anyhoo- Back to you suggesting that elections should be shut down, legally of course. That is not the solution. The reality is Western Civ, Western democracy is being threatened. The proglodytes see an allie in the Muzzytards who are enemies of the West and so they align with them. Give them a pass on their Human rights violations, extreme anti-Feminism, Antisemitism, anti democracy not realizing that the minute the establishment is overthrown the Muzzytards will behead the proglodytes for being the infidels that they are.

    All I can do is call it the way I see it. Influence those I can to stop the insanity before it spreads further and be prepared to protect my wife and daughters should the collapse happen and the entire world goes tribal. In the USA it will happen because the people will have voted for it- just as it is happening in Western Europe today.

    Sorry for the long winded rant.

  9. @Pelopidas November 28, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    Rant on… if you like. And then, answer (at least for yourself) who, other than the Islamists, will roll back (not merely claim to have “Put off, until next Tuesday”) the aggression of the communalists? The Islamists don’t seem to be hiding any massive economic looting plans. They might force your daughters to not show their panties, while blowing two “dudes” in the public square. Which would, of course, be a tragic destruction of their humanity. You might prefer a different choir of angels to swoop down and make things all better. But they don’t seem to be on the horizon. They’re not even answering their mobiles. The communalists and the Islamists are the only armies with boots on the ground. You don’t even have to pick a side to cheer for. But (at least for yourself) which of the only armies willing to get off the sofa, leave you and yours better off, when the smoke clears?

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